Sixteen: Hogwarts Deputy Head

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Minerva McGonagall wasn't the type to be fooled. Especially when it concerns her students, former and current. So, while she's running through names for certain positions in the castle, she stumbles upon a familiar one.

Vega Perseus Potter-Black

Potions Mastery

Healer's Mastery

Dueling Mastery

Position: Potions Professor

Her eyes widened. Why wasn't she teaching when Severus clearly isn't enjoying it? Speaking of Severus, why hasn't she seen him recently. The term starts in a few days and he's nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden, a patronus of a dog appears in front of her. But it isn't the voice she would've expected from it. "Minnie! You are needed here at 12 Grimmauld Place by two in the afternoon for tea. More will be explained once you arrive." Sirius' voice sounded authoritative yet gentle to the ear. Which worried the older woman. After Azkaban, his voice was deep and raw, not this soft tone full of light.

Checking her clock, which reads ten after noon, she decides to let both Pomona and Filius know where she's headed. Making her way to the Greenhouses, she hears the Herbology professor and Hufflepuff head of house struggle with one of her many plants, which so happens to be a sprout of the Whomping Willow.

"Pomona? Do you have a moment?" the Gryffindor Head asks her badger counterpart.

"Just a moment." With a poke to the biggest root of the Willow, it goes dormant. For the moment that is. "Yes, Minerva? Is there something you need?"

"I shall be going out about two for a few hours. I don't know when I will be back. However, I am here to let you know and I am going to find Filius next."

"What is this about?"

"They never said. There is a name I had come across while looking over suitable candidates for different positions in the school. Does a Vega Perseus Black ring any bells to you?"

"The name Perseus does. Perseus Jackson. Muggle raised, but a pureblood. One of the royal Greek houses of Atalanta. Why she came here has always been a mystery to me."

"How do I know it's her?"

"Her hair."

"...Her hair?"

"Almost always blue. If it was any other color, natural or otherwise, you'd be looking at Nymphadora Tonks. They looked similar when they were younger, I wouldn't be surprised if Percy was a Black by blood."

'This could be the reason Sirius wanted to talk.'

"Thank you, Pomona. I will see you later." with her goodbyes to Professor Sprout, she finds her way to Filius Flitwick. Who gives the same explanation, but with a few more details.

"From what I know of the woman, she's related to Rowena Ravenclaw herself. Her line can be traced to even the Grey Lady, before her death. All of the Black family can." he turns to the tall woman, narrowing his eyes. "You're going to meet her, aren't you?"

"I believe so. Sirius had said he wanted to talk. His voice reminded me of him before Azkaban."

"He's been to a healer? I'm surprised. Normally, he'd soldier through his pain. I've seen him do so. Both of the Black boys. Regulus was always a shy one."

""I hadn't interacted with Regulus as often as I had with Sirius, but I have to agree based on my observations of the boy. Do you think they had been abused?"

"With Sirius there was no doubt he was. They had all believed that Slytherin was the best house. It was either follow their rules or get burned off the family tapestry, being disowned."

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