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Princess Mosinee, the eldest of the three sisters of Pharaoh Baka of Egypt.

Watched from the window of her private chambers as the ship baring her letter drifted southward out of view.

"I wish that your eyes gleamed for me the way they do whenever you think of him," came the deep and masculine voice of General Imut as he leaned against the wall and cyphered through a bowl of fruit.

The very sound repulsed her as it invaded her thoughts of happiness.

"And if you were half the man he is, then perhaps I would be persuaded to show you a small portion of my admiration... but alas, I see no chance of that happening in the future, and so I am spared from giving your ego an undeserved boost of false confidence."

At the boiling insult.

Imut felt his nostrils flare before he took his hand and slung the bowl across the room.

Mosinee was used to the outburst of a man with a fragile ego and thus did not shutter nor shy away from his rage.

Instead, she stood there defiant even as he stormed across the room and seized her by her throat.

"I could break your pretty neck for this," he fumed as he looked her in the eye.

"After all, I am your husband."

Mosinee glared at him.

"You would not dare. My guards are loyal to me and me alone and would kill you without a second thought," she spat moments before he tightened his grip.

"My dear, even you should know that there are some things in this world worth dying for," he replied before he captured her lips with his own kissing her roughly in what started as a moment of struggle that quickly turned into a moment of passion before she ended it all by drawing blood.

"Do that again, and I'll feed your carcass to the jackals," she spat before using her arm to wipe away both the blood and the remnants of his kiss.

Imut smiled.

"Even so, you'd be thinking only of me."

His words were true as his actions had served to drive away all thoughts of the one she truly desired.

And that infuriated her to no end.

"You animal!" She screamed before grabbing a jar of wine from a nearby table and flinging it at his head.

Imut ducked the incoming object before she began her assault again.

"You cheap common dog!" She shouted, continuing her barrage before running out of ammo and moving on to the whip of his chariot he had left discarded by the door.

She began to lash out at him, taking out all of her fury and pain upon whatever part of his body she could land a blow before he was able to seize hold of her weapon of circumstance and remove it from her hands before he flung her to the floor.

"I despise you," she screamed, earning a laugh in return that only served to infuriate her more.

"Of that, my dear, I have no doubt," he replied before heading for the door only to pause in his steps before looking and giving her a smile that made her feel several things all of which loathed.

"Even your hatred is a sight to behold," he said before exiting the room just moments before she removed her golden slipper and hurled it at his head, landing the strike she so greatly desired halting him in his tracks.

She then rose to her feet in triumph and defiance before calling out to him.

"Remember my dear husband," she said with a voice full of venom and scorn.

"I always have the last laugh."

Greetings fellow writers and readers.

This is an original story and I hope that you enjoy it.

Let me know what you think or if you have any advice on how I can improve the story or my writing.

The Throne Of The Nile: By Aurelia Of Capua Where stories live. Discover now