PART 12 🦋

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"Ya allah no no no no!!!"

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"Ya allah no no no no!!!"

Zara pov :

I saw  four strong mem dragging a girl  into a van, as I saw the girl was trying get rid away from them but she can't because they were like trained man I sprinted towards them, desperation pumping through my veins, but the van sped off before I could reach them.

"Stop!" I screamed, my voice barely audible over the sound of my pounding heart. Gasping for air beneath my veil, I scanned the area for any sign of help. Spotting a black bike nearby, I rushed towards it....

Approaching the bike, I noticed there was no one around, and the key was already in the ignition.

"Ya Allah, forgive me for this transgression," I murmured softly, feeling guilty for touching someone's property without permission. But the urgency of the situation outweighed my concern as I removed two buttons from the bottom of my Abaya to ensure I could sit comfortably on the bike.

Securing the helmet over my hijab, I closed my eyes for a moment, seeking strength from above.

"I can do this," I whispered to myself, steeling my resolve before starting the bike....

As I raced behind the van, my mind was a whirlwind of questions and worries. Why had those people kidnapped her? What did they want with her? She seemed so ordinary, yet there was something about her that made her a target.

Images of her struggling against her captors flashed through my mind, igniting a surge of determination within me. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable, and yet there was a fire in her eyes that spoke of resilience and strength.

I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this than met the eye. Who was she? Why had they chosen her? And most importantly, how could I help her?

As I sped after the van, my heart pounded in my chest, my mind consumed by worry for the girl being taken away. With each passing moment, the distance between us seemed to stretch, fueling my desperation to catch up.

Finally, as the van slowed down at a junction, I saw my opportunity. With a determined grip on the bike's handles, I accelerated, swerving past cars and pedestrians to pull up in front of the van, forcing it to come to a halt.

The sudden stop jolted the van's occupants, and I could see confusion and panic spreading among them. But I paid no heed to their reactions, my focus solely on the girl inside. She looked at me with wide eyes, her mouth is covered and hands too...

As the man stepped out of the van,
"You little how dare you to stop us huh"
his aggressive stance and tone only fueled my determination. Clenching my fists against my chest, I met his gaze with unwavering intensity.

"You have no right to take that girl....whom do you think to kidnap her ," I asserted, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and concern. "What gives you the audacity to think you can just snatch someone away like that?"

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