012 | Learning Something New

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Looking out the window, Elodie pressed her cheek against the cool surface, her eyes almost falling shut. She resisted sleep, knowing they were on their way to the farm the woman had mentioned. T-Dog sat in the passenger seat, wrapped in a blanket, occasionally groaning in pain. Glenn was behind the wheel, muttering to himself every now and then.

Wen they had returned to the highway, they had decided that Glenn, T-Dog, and Elodie would head to the farm where Carl, Rick, and Lori were, to check it out and get T-Dog the help he needed. He had taken some painkillers from Merle's 'stash' that Daryl had given him, though Elodie wasn't sure what 'stash' meant. Regardless, T-Dog was still feeling unwell.

She fought off sleep, not wanting to miss anything and wanting to see Carl. The woman had assured them he was alive, but it had been a couple of hours since then. Things could change drastically in a matter of hours.

After a while of driving, a large white house came into view. Elodie pulled away from the window and leaned forward between Glenn and T-Dog, eyes widening. It was too dark to see if it was a farm, but she could make out a white house. The lights were on, indicating someone was still awake.

"Come on," Glenn nudged T-Dog, opening the car door and stepping outside.

Elodie climbed back into the backseat, opened her door, and hopped out of the car, joining T-Dog and Glenn. Once she reached their side, Glenn placed a hand on her shoulder, and the three of them approached the house.

"It's big," Elodie observed.

"Pretty big, yeah," Glenn replied quietly. Elodie nodded slowly, understanding she needed to keep her voice down. It was nighttime. Walkers.

They ascended the steps but stopped before reaching the door. Glenn glanced awkwardly at T-Dog. "So, do we ring the bell? I mean, it looks like people live here."

T-Dog huffed, shaking his head. "We're past this kinda stuff, aren't we? Having to be considerate."

"Can I press it, please?" Elodie asked, smiling eagerly at Glenn.

He nodded, patting her shoulder. "Yeah, 'course. Go on."

With that, they continued up the steps, Elodie eyeing the house in awe. She thought it was beautiful. She wondered if it was a big farm and if they had any cool animals, like sheep. They had horses, because the woman came to get Lori on one. Elodie wondered if she'd be able to pet one of the horses.

"Did ya close the gate up the road when ya drove in?" a voice said, and they whirled their heads around to where the voice came from, seeing the woman from earlier sitting on a chair outside, as if waiting for them. She had her legs pulled up to her knees, her arms tightly wrapped around them.

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