•Chapter 9

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Experiment 1771:Drizzle Puppy,Oliver Garcia Hart |||
Wouldn't say much for him.He hasn't taken anything very serious.Scientists had figured out he liked water or rather rain.As for his socialization credit,very well,he made friends with every critter experiment.Most of the time he is dirty for some reason of a kind.Very dirty like if covered in mud or dirt. Scientists had gotten the idea to make his pendant an umbrella for his love in water and rain. They have still tried to figure out how to control him from getting all dirty and wet most of the time.I guess it could be fixed sooner or later when he gets manners.As well a fix in literature. Well..It's a success.
I hope everything goes well for Renna..he's my bestfriend!(<3)I smile as I drew.I feel happy that Dogday told me about a critter who knows sign language like Renna! As well both don't use/have vocal cords.Maybe it will work out! I guess..I feel very anxious and nervous for him since it's the first time we have been separated or him talking to someone new other than me,fluffy,or team leader.I've been told it'll be fine..what if it's not..what if something goes wrong..what if he gets hurt..I sigh.I shouldn't worry too much..Breathe in and out Drizzle. Everything will be alright.Find the good side..he will be okay and I got told that too! Hm..it's very sunny.It was rainy yesterday too..maybe I can find puddles in the garden! I put my rain coat on(which he sometimes wears when going outside) and run outside to the garden.there are some..They are very tiny though..Maybe I can find flowers instead.I look around.Wow..it has been long enough since I have been in the garden...it's beautiful..Wonderful too! I pick some and carry them inside to my room.I have always wanted to make flower crowns..maybe for a new critter.I remember meeting a unicorn. She looked very beautiful..Nice too! Maybe she could make some with me. I always like a new friend.(<3) Still reminds me of starlight though..I wonder what he is doing with Catnap right now..I saw them in the diner.
(What they are doing|Rennas POV)
I pat catnap as we were in my old room after diner.I guess I'm glad he ate Atleast something.I sign him 'Have you ever made music?' As my head tilted.He shakes his head.Hm..That's new.I guess I could try rather doing an audio book.I grab one from my old shelf and press the button as it starts reading.I haven't been or did reading so I've always had audio books.It was a better idea since I couldn't read.
(Back to drizzle puppy)
I knock on Crafty corns Dorm,I got told her name and she mostly draws.She also shares a room with Bobby.She slowly opens the door.
'O-oh hi!'
She says.God it embarrasses me talking to a new critter...
'U-uh do you wanna make flower crowns with me?'
I say smiling warmly but awkwardly as her eyes sparkle without hesitation she nodded and pulled my hand to her room.


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