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Noon rays beam through the flowing curtains lighting the room in warm hues. The afternoon breeze flows lightly throughout the small apartment. Hayden paced her room, rifling through her drawers to find the perfect outfit, flinging the useless articles across her room haphazardly. Her phone lay on the dresser she was currently sifting through on speaker, her best friend telling an extravagant story of how they've met the most perfect -perfect read as average- guy.

"U don't understand he's not just a guy. He's the guy!" Their voice drilled in a practiced dance, having had this conversation at least 3 times this week already (it was Tuesday).

Her friend, Wyatt, ever the hopeless romantic fell head over heels almost every other day. Each time they would call talking about this new even perfect-er boy and each time Hayden would talk them back to reality. The most recent to catch their heart was a man on the street of all places. From what Hayden could gather he was just a guy around their age complimenting their outfit then asked for ten bucks, but Wyatt quickly glossed over it by saying how 'handsome' he was. That really isn't saying much for his looks given their previous flings, but she could only imagine.

Hayden's phone pinged with a message from them of a blurry side shot of said man. She stepped over the messy clothes and looked at the dubbed 'perfect guy'. "The guy? Baby, be so for real right now. That's the most aggressively average man I've ever seen. That's not even a man, it's freshly made adult whose mommy probably still washes his clothes. I can you find 50 of him at Walmart." Hayden commented with a laugh going into her closet this time.

"U don't understand he was nice!"  They retorted. Over the line she could hear them flop onto their bed dramatically. Hayden rolled her eyes at their antics and pulled out a hot pink sweater vest. Sizing it up to the rest of her outfit, a light grey and blue plaid skirt and a cropped white tee, she decided it would do well paired with her new heels of the same color and ruffly white socks.

"Everybody's nice to you, Wyatt. You're pretty and it just plain common courtesy. Also, nice, really? Let's not gloss over the fact he asked you for money directly after."

"You are no fun Hayden." They groaned, emphasizing and dragging every word. Their bed squeaked from the other side of the speaker as they got up from their bed, "What if he's my soulmate, you gonna deny me a soulmate?" Their voice was teasing showing that they weren't really upset at Hayden's disapproval.

"I mean... if u really want your soulmate to be some broke ok guy on the street then by all means go for it." Hayden quipped, earning a muffled laugh from Wyatt. Stepping away from the mirror and fixing her sock ruffles Hayden snapped a picture and sent it to Wyatt, "On a serious note, thoughts?"

"Ohhhh! Ok fashionista!" Wyatt praised, "Where we going looking so cute, huh?"

"Library. I have to do this stupid group project for phycology." Hayden drawled thinking back to her assignment worth 40% her grade.

Her professor assigned a course long assignment last week, on the first day of class. They were split into random groups of 4 to design their own phycological study. The trick is one person from each group was secretly assigned a task they had to do. No one outside the assigned people even knew that they had a separate task, and Hayden happened to be the 'lucky' one from her group. Needless to say she was not looking forward to having to say, how did the teacher put it, 'a fun and quirky catchphrase that the others will assume.'

"Aww sorry Boo-Boo that sucks. But.... Are they cute? I mean you look amazing, is there a reason?" They teased. Not only did Wyatt love love for themselves but for all others too. If they even heard a whisper of Hayden or any of their other friends liking someone they would mercilessly tease and try to get them together.

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