Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123

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The sudden intrusion of Qarek into Seraphina's hut drew the attention of everyone present, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise, concern, and curiosity.

"Qarek, what's going on? Why are you so frantic?" Seraphina's voice carried a note of apprehension as she sought clarification from the agitated newcomer.

"Qarek, what's happening?" Ruby'ck's eyes widened in alarm at Qarek's unexpected entrance, her voice trembling with worry as she reached out towards him.

"Qarek, please be more considerate next time. You nearly gave me a heart attack," Yzavynne's tone was a mix of relief and reproach as she scolded him gently for his abrupt entrance.

"Give us more details, Qarek," Zach's voice was firm, his gaze piercing as he demanded further explanation from his comrade.

"One of the scents from our home led us straight to Haerak's house, Zach. It's undeniable evidence that he's somehow involved in Nert's disappearance," Qarek's words were rushed, his breath coming in short gasps as he relayed the startling revelation to the group.

"Haerak... So he's been hiding something from us all along," Zach's voice was tinged with a mix of suspicion and frustration as he processed the implications of Qarek's revelation.

"But Haerak wouldn't do something like this, would he?" Seraphina's voice was tinged with disbelief, her trust in their friend wavering at the thought of his possible involvement in nefarious activities.

Zach turned to Seraphina, his expression grave as he prepared to share his thoughts with her.

"Seraphina, I understand your disbelief, but we can't ignore the evidence pointing towards Haerak's involvement," Zach began, his tone measured yet firm as he addressed her concerns.

"We've traced a scent from our home to Haerak's house, suggesting a connection between him and Nert's disappearance," he continued, his words carrying the weight of the truth he was about to reveal.

"While it's difficult to accept, we can't afford to dismiss the possibility. We need to approach this situation with caution and investigate further," Zach explained, his voice steady as he urged Seraphina to consider the gravity of the situation.

"Haerak may have secrets that even we are unaware of. It's imperative that we uncover the truth, for Nert's sake and for the safety of our village," Zach concluded, his gaze unwavering as he awaited Seraphina's response.

Seraphina's confusion was evident as she sought clarification from Zach. "How did you manage to track down Haerak's scent?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism.

"Qarek," Zach responded simply, his gaze shifting towards his comrade for confirmation.

"Okay, captain," Qarek affirmed, reaching up to remove his farmer hat and reveal the tattoo adorning his forehead to Seraphina.

Zach took the opportunity to explain further. "The tattoo enhances their five senses: smell, touch, hearing, taste, and sight," he elaborated, his words aimed at providing Seraphina with a better understanding of their capabilities.

Seraphina's astonishment was palpable as she absorbed this new information. "Well, you all certainly know how to surprise me with unexpected details about your abilities," she remarked, her tone a mix of admiration and astonishment.

Turning back to the matter at hand, Zach delved into the suspicions surrounding Haerak's involvement in recent events. "Haerak may be responsible for the ambush at the Aeolantis and the presence of the Aetherian warriors in our village," he explained, his words carrying a weight of accusation and concern.

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