Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137

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Kazaks, Qarek, and Leeani strolled through the village, heading towards the farm where they hoped to glean wisdom from the elderly farmers, their anticipation was palpable.

"Kazaks, you seem unusually eager today," Qarek remarked with a playful grin.

"Heh, you know me, always ready for a new adventure! But after this, I'm definitely paying Yzavynne another visit," Kazaks replied with a hearty laugh.

"Ah, the sheep incident still haunting you, huh?" Qarek teased.

"You bet! I'm steering clear of those woolly troublemakers this time. I'll stick to the safer options like pigs, horses, goats, and cows," Kazaks declared emphatically.

Qarek chuckled in response, enjoying the banter as they made their way towards the farm.

"You know, Qarek, I've got to hand it to you. You always know how to lighten the mood," Kazaks remarked, a genuine smile gracing his face.

Qarek shrugged nonchalantly. "Hey, what are friends for, right? Besides, life's too short to take everything so seriously."

Kazaks nodded in agreement, appreciating the wisdom in his friend's words. "You're right, as always. Thanks, Qarek."

Amidst the lively exchange between Kazaks and Qarek, Leeani remained aloof, her thoughts drifting to the upcoming lessons in farming.

"I'm eager to hone my skills to such a degree that merely by touch, I could discern the nature of any plant," Leeani murmured to herself, her anticipation palpable.

Leeani's voice softened as she continued her quiet musings. "There's a certain joy in the simplicity of it all? The gentle touch of the earth, the whispered secrets of each leaf... It's in these moments that I find a connection to something greater than myself."

However, her musings did not escape Qarek's notice.

"Leeani," Qarek interjected, curiosity piqued.

Leeani turned to him, her expression quizzical. "Yes? What is it?"

Qarek, always the jester, couldn't resist a teasing jab. "Leeani, are you talking to the plants again? You know they don't understand you, right?"

Leeani's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she shot Qarek a playful glare. "Oh, hush, Qarek. At least I'm not the one trying to wrestle with sheep every morning."

Kazaks, overhearing the banter, chimed in with a laugh. "Yeah, Qarek, leave her alone. She's just trying to find her zen among the cabbages."

Qarek grinned mischievously. "Hey, hey, don't underestimate the power of cabbage whispering. You'd be surprised how chatty they get when no one's around."

Leeani rolled her eyes, but a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Right, and I suppose you've been having long conversations with the chickens?"

Kazaks chuckled. "Knowing Qarek, he probably thinks they're plotting to take over the village."

Qarek feigned offense. "Hey, those chickens have a lot on their minds, okay? You just don't understand poultry politics."

Their laughter echoed through the quiet streets as they made their way to the farm, their camaraderie warming the morning air.

Seated in the tranquil embrace of the forest, Andhur leaned against the solid support of a towering tree, his gaze fixed intently on the intricate structure of the guitar cradled in his hands. With a focused expression, he carefully examined each component, seeking to unravel the mysteries concealed within its familiar yet enigmatic design.

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