☆ chapter : 3

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Israa's POV :


I was just peacefully watering the flowers in the corner, minding my own business. All of a sudden, I heard someone clear their throat, and it startled me so much that I turned around and accidentally sprayed water on the person's face!

Naturally, I was a bit suspicious and asked them,
"Who are you guys? Why were you sneaking in here?" I mean, it's only fair to be cautious, right?

But then, the shorter man among them explained,
"Oh no no, we weren't sneaking in. Actually, we're just trying to find this address."

They both had bags in their hands, so I guess they were just lost or something.

I took a closer look at the paper in the man's hand and replied, "Well, if that's the case, you could have simply asked for directions instead of sneaking around like that." I still had my doubts, you know? Gotta be careful!

"Oops, sorry about that! We thought this was the right address, but I guess we got lost," said the man from before.

"It's actually right across from our floral spot, over there," I said, pointing at the house opposite to mine.

"Oh, thank you so much! By the way, we're renting the upstairs unit," the man replied.

"Oh, no worries! I got scared because I thought someone was sneaking into my shop," I said sincerely.

"We're really sorry for scaring you like that," he said, nudging his friend to acknowledge their mistake.

I glanced at the other guy, his face still damp from the water I accidentally sprayed, and his expression turned serious.

As they started to walk away, I quickly called out, "Wait!"
They halted and turned towards me, confusion evident on their faces.

Feeling a pang of remorse, I reached over to a nearby vase and plucked a stunning white tulip.

Extending it towards the poker-faced man, I said,

"Here, take this as a small token of apology."

He looked at me, then at the delicate flower in my hand, and replied,

"No need for this flower."
With that, he turned away and left.

"Ah, I'll gladly take it then. Thank you," chimed in the man accompanying him, accepting the tulip with a smile.

What a rude man, I thought to myself, as they walked away.


Junkook's POV :


As I step out of the charming floral shop, I make my way towards our rental place. It's located upstairs, so I climb up the stairs and reach the door. With a quick turn of the key, I unlock the door and step inside the house.


The room greets me with its cozy ambiance. It's not very spacious.
There are two single beds, each placed strategically in the room.

One bed is positioned near the window, allowing the soft sunlight to gently filter through the curtains. The other bed is placed near a small study table, creating a convenient space for us to work or relax.

In the corner of the room, I notice a small kitchen area. It's compact but functiona . Just next to the kitchen, there's a neat little washroom.

As I take in the surroundings, a sigh escapes my lips. Admittedly, the house is not in the best condition, but it's still bearable.

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