Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150

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"Now! Move now! Hurry up everyone!" Zach's voice echoed through the room, urgency lacing every word.

Leeani, Jiighual, Kazaks, and Yzavynne swiftly armed themselves, their movements quick and purposeful.

Meanwhile, Ruby'ck remained rooted to the spot, her gaze fixed on the array of weapons being gathered.

"Ruby'ck, what's wrong?" Zach's concern was evident as he approached her at the dining table.

"It's just... we were all living such simple lives, and then they came, those bandits," Ruby'ck's voice trembled with sadness.

Zach paused, absorbing her emotions before responding. "It will be fine, Ruby'ck. Trust me on this, we'll save this village from their ambush. We'll ensure no one gets hurt."

"You guys should hurry up, the other villagers might already be needing your help," Ruby'ck urged, her worry palpable.

Zach reassured her with a determined tone. "Oh, don't worry about that. I've prepared a plan for our dramatic entrance, both physically and psychologically."

"I believe in all of you. Take care," Ruby'ck's words were filled with both hope and concern.

"Ensure all doors are secured tightly, alright? Draw the curtains over the windows and opt for candlelight instead of bulbs. You need to stay low-key, minimize any signals that might attract unwanted attention. You'll be safe here while we divert the bandits' focus," Zach instructed, his tone firm with resolve.

"I can't say how many we're up against, but we've always found a way to handle these situations before, we've faced challenges like this before. We have a history of overcoming adversity, and this will be no different," he continued, his voice tinged with a hint of reassurance amidst the uncertainty.

Zach's words of reassurance washed over Ruby'ck, a wave of gratitude surged within her, mingled with the intensity of her emotions. She felt her chest tighten with the weight of unsaid words and unspoken fears, but Zach's steadfast presence provided her with a lifeline of hope amidst the turmoil.

Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she gazed at Zach, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you, Zach," she whispered, her words a heartfelt testament to the depth of her gratitude. "I don't know what we'd do without you."

They embraced, Zach held Ruby'ck tightly, offering comfort in their shared moment. Then, with a final squeeze, they parted ways, joining the others who had gathered behind them.

"Okay, everyone, now, here's the plan," Zach began, his voice steady as he laid out their strategy.

Under the cover of night, Ember Wind village lay ensnared within the grip of the bandits' tyranny, their harsh commands echoing through the streets like a chilling refrain. The villagers, helpless and bound, were herded like cattle into the town hall, their faces etched with fear and resignation.

"Keep moving, you worthless lot!" snarled one bandit, his voice dripping with contempt as he herded the villagers forward with rough shoves and crude insults.

"Get a move on, you pathetic cowards!" spat another, his eyes glinting with malice as he prodded the villagers along with his weapon.

Each command was laced with cruelty, each word a reminder of the villagers' powerlessness in the face of their captors' brutality. "You, girl, what's your name?" sneered one bandit, his gaze lingering on a trembling young woman with fear in her eyes.

"Look at this one, boys! She'd fetch a pretty penny in the market," jeered another, his laughter echoing through the night as he leered at a young girl huddled in terror.

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