☆ chapter : 4

41 3 1


"Waalaikum assalam, my child Daud, come here,"


Mr. Yaqub called out to Daud. Daud made his way over, his eyes fixed on Rowan and Jungkook, curious to meet them.

"Meet them, they just moved upstairs today," Mr Yaqub introduced, pointing towards Jungkook and Rowan.

"Allow me to introduce Mohammed Hassan and Ilyas Ahmad," Mr Yaqub continued, gesturing towards Jungkook and Rowan.

Daud nodded in acknowledgement and said, "I'm Daud Ali, and I live downstairs from you. If you guys ever need any help, don't hesitate to call me."

As the conversation carried on, Jungkook couldn't help but observe Daud closely, noticing his every movement and gesture.

With a smirk, Jungkook responded,
"Sure, brother. Thanks for asking. We appreciate it."

Just as they were getting settled, the harmonious sound of the Adhan filled the air, signalling the time for the maghrib prayer. Mr. Yaqub suggested,

"It's maghrib prayer time. Let's head to the mosque together."
Everyone began to make their way, following Mr. Yaqub's lead.

However, Mr. Yaqub noticed that Hassan and Ilyas were still standing in their place. Concerned, he said,

"You guys aren't coming? If you're not familiar with the way to the mosque, I'd be happy to show you."

Jungkook and Rowan exchanged hesitant glances, unsure of what to do. Eventually, Jungkook mustered up the courage and replied, "Y-yes, we're coming. Lead the way, please."


In the mosque, at the very last row, there stood both Rowan and Jungkook, engaged in a whispering argument.

Their voices are barely audible, they exchange words of frustration.

"Why did you say yes? Do you even know how to pray?"
Rowan asked Jungkook, annoyance evident in his tone.

Jungkook, his voice filled with exasperation, responded,
"Well, what else could I have said, man? I didn't want him to doubt us."

Realizing the need for discretion, Jungkook suggested,
"Let's just quietly follow their lead, just like we did earlier at the washing area."

By the washing area, Jungkook was referring to the ablution area, where they had performed the ritual cleansing before prayer.


(Time skips)
At Israa's place...


Israa woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm, signalling the start of a new day. As she opened her eyes, she realized it was time for her Fajr prayer.

With a sense of purpose, Israa performed her ablution, cleansing herself both physically and spiritually. Standing on her prayer mat, she faced the qibla and began her prayer.

"Oh Allah, you are my Lord, the one I worship and adore. There is no one worthy of worship except you. Ya Allah, please guide us to what is best for us, and help us stay on the straight path,"

Israa fervently whispered, pouring her heart out to her Creator.

With each prostration and recitation, Israa found solace in her prayer, sharing her worries, hopes, and gratitude with Allah. She thanked Him for the blessings in her life, big and small, and sought His guidance for the challenges that lay ahead.

Israa found peace and strength to face the day.


After completing her prayer, Israa stepped into the garden with her light breakfast of tea, toast, and some dates.

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