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*** Randheera ***


The sounds of seemingly endless clash of swords between me and Deva filled the room. I looked out of the window. The sun is about to set.

No, no, no way!

I cannot let this battle end in a draw.

'All hail general Randheera'

I need to hear this. I need to hear this from Deva.

That is not a want, that is a need!

As our swords continued to clash into each other, I heard the doors of the chamber open and the moment I saw the walking poison, my attention got distracted and Deva used the opportunity to knock down my sword.

"Damn it," I whispered under my breath.

"Say it," Deva said with a sneaky smile.

"Unfair, your highness," I oppossed, "You used your pet snake as a distraction."

"Watch your words, Kheera," the poison warned.

"I am watching them," I replied, "which is why I said exactly what I intended."

"I dare you to..." poison started walking forward and so did I but we both stopped when the King yelled "Hold back! Now!"

"You are some of the most respected men in the Nine Kingdoms," he said calmly bringing back his usual composed demeanor, "Stop fighting like kids!"

"I apologize, your highness," the poison immediately replied.

"Sorry," I whispered as well but Deva continued to look at me.

"Sorry, your highness," I repeated again.

"Accepted and forgiven," he replied, "I am waiting for something else."

Why does he still have to remember our stupid bet despite the ongoing chaos?

"All hail King Devendra," I reluctantly whispered and he smiled in self obsession.

One day, it will be my turn!

"Moving on," he continued, "I've been getting repeated notices from the East zone about some tribals causing rebels and protests against the throne."

"Give me three days and I will bring them to your feet," I immediately replied.

"Calm down, general," the King commented, "The objective is not to silence them, it is to understand what went wrong. So I want you and intellectual Vishnu to go and...."

"Come on, Deva," I instinctively oppossed and the King glared at me. "I mean....your highness..." I corrected, "Why do you want me to carry a snake along? Whatever your objective is, I am capable of achieving it alone."

"I doubt that," the poison commented, "Given your definition of 'achievement' is causing chaos."

"I thought that is a field of specialization for the intellectuals," I countered.

"General," the King warned once again and I fell silent.

"Exactly, your highness..." Poison tried to explain.

"You too, councellor," the King silenced him as well and continued, "Go together. Find what happened and bring the protestors to me."

We nodded.

"Absolutely no violence," he warned, "I want all of them to be safe and I want all of them to be respected." "I need you to ensure that," he said turning towards Vishnu.

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