Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156

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"That was a brilliant move, Eldritch! Your spear throw was flawless, and the entire plan was executed without a single mistake," Micah praised, her voice full of admiration.

"Yeah, with you by our side, dealing with these bandits, or so-called retired royal knights, will be much less of a struggle," Killian agreed, exhaling a sigh of relief.

He continued, "But what I still can't grasp is why they're here. What brings them to our village, and how did they even find out about our location?"

"Maybe they've been stalking wanderers and traders who come into our village from the seashore of Aeolantis? I'm not sure, it's just a guess," Micah speculated, uncertainty in her voice.

"Whatever the reason, let's tie him up. We don't want him waking up and using all four limbs immediately," Eldritch said, pulling a length of rope from his pocket.

"Whoa, where did that come from?!" Micah asked, surprised.

"Well... I just carry it in case of emergencies," Eldritch replied, fumbling with the rope.

Micah laughed, "HA HA HA! You sure are unique, Eldritch!"

Eldritch shrugged, "I have this rope for emergencies. Really, that's all there is to it."

As Eldritch and Micah continued their banter, Killian shifted his focus to Qarek, concern evident in his eyes.

"Hey, Qarek. Are you alright? You seem a bit out of it," Killian called out.

Qarek's eyes widened as he registered Killian's voice. "Ah! Oh yeah, I'm fine. I'm alright. But these slices will definitely hurt later once the adrenaline from the fight wears off," he admitted.

"Here, let me help treat them. I brought some bandages," Killian said, pulling the bandages from his pocket.

"Thanks, Killian," Qarek said gratefully.

"My pleasure. We need to stick together, especially since this raid isn't over yet. We have to head back to the village and help everyone out. They need us more than we need them. We're warriors; it's our purpose to fight for those who can't defend themselves," Killian said with determination.

"It's good to have you around," Qarek responded, appreciating the camaraderie.

Minutes had passed, and Varen was now securely tied to a sturdy tree, his four limbs restrained in a way that would prevent any movement as soon as he regained consciousness.

"Now, he won't be able to move even if he wakes up sooner rather than later," Micah remarked, satisfaction evident in her voice.

"Yeah, and without any weapons within his reach, he poses no threat," Eldritch added, glancing back at Qarek, Micah, and Killian.

He continued, addressing the group with a sense of urgency, "So, shall we keep moving now? The raid isn't over yet, and there are still people in the village who need our help."

"Yes, we're ready when you are," Micah said, tightening her grip on her dao sword, her resolve clear in her eyes.

With determination fueling their steps, the four of them sprinted towards the village, ready to face the bandits head-on. They had no clear idea of how many enemies they would encounter, but they pressed forward nonetheless, united in purpose.

As they ran, Killian glanced back at Qarek, a flicker of worry crossing his face. "What could this all be about?" he muttered to himself, trying to piece together the puzzle. "No, I can't judge too quickly. I need concrete evidence first."

The group continued their swift pace until they reached the outskirts of the village. Transitioning to a cautious walk, they entered through the cloud of smoke that hung heavily in the air. To their astonishment, they found thousands of bandits sprawled across the ground, all unconscious.

"Whoa, the bandits have already been taken out? How is this possible? This many? But how?" Micah exclaimed, disbelief evident in her voice.

"It's the work of the Shadowed Symphony, I'm sure of it. But I wonder where they are now," Eldritch speculated, scanning the area for any sign of their allies.

"Incredible. They managed to defeat all these bandits despite being so vastly outnumbered," Killian said, admiration in his voice.

"Trust me, there's a lot more we can achieve, especially with our Captain, Zach, leading us," Qarek said, pride swelling in his chest as he spoke of their formidable leader.

"But what's the deal with this smoke? Did those bandits even create this? I'm not sure if they're knowledgeable enough to craft something that could engulf an entire village in smoke for so long," Eldritch said, skepticism lacing his words.

"Oh, this? It must be Seraphina's work. She's a friend of mine," Micah replied, a hint of admiration in her voice.

"This smoke is from her crafts?" Eldritch asked, curiosity piqued.

"Yes, she's a shaman. I often visit her hut before our long travels. I've spent many hours watching her practice her shamanic skills, and I've developed a keen interest in such things myself. I'm certain this is her doing," Micah explained, her confidence clear.

"You have one knowledgeable friend there," Eldritch remarked, impressed by Seraphina's abilities.

Suddenly, the sound of clashing irons echoed through the street, the impact resonating with a sense of urgency. The group tensed, readying themselves for whatever lay ahead.

"Huh?! What was that?" Killian exclaimed, his eyes wide with alarm.

"The others! We need to get there, now! My friends must be around here somewhere, battling those bandits!" Qarek urged, his voice filled with urgency.

"Yeah, let's move," Eldritch agreed, his tone resolute.

Killian and Micah exchanged a quick nod with Qarek before they all broke into a run, sprinting down the street towards the source of the clashing iron. The sounds grew louder with each step, the metallic clangs echoing through the air, signaling a fierce battle ahead. They knew they had to reach their allies quickly, their hearts pounding with determination and adrenaline.

As they continued running, the grunts and groans grew louder, accompanied by the increasing clang of clashing iron. Suddenly, the smoke began to clear before them, revealing Kazaks, Yzavynne, and Leeani locked in a fierce battle against Sable.

"AGHHHH! DAMN YOU!" Kazaks roared, his frustration evident.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA! We've been at this for minutes now, and you still can't hit me! Swinging that huge war hammer around like a psycho isn't going to help you," Sable taunted, effortlessly dodging his attacks.

Leeani unleashed a barrage of arrows, but Sable sidestepped them all with ease. Yzavynne then ran up behind Kazaks, attempting to whip Sable, but she managed to dodge the attack simultaneously. The scene was chaotic, each fighter pushing their limits in the heated clash.

"KAZAKS! LEEANI! YZAVYNNE!" Qarek shouted in disbelief, his voice echoing through the chaotic battlefield. His heart sank as he saw his friends, covered in blood, struggling against Sable.

Their weary faces turned toward him, a mixture of relief and determination flickering in their eyes despite their injuries. Sable, noticing the distraction, smirked and continued to taunt them, her movements fluid and unyielding.

"We have to help them, now!" Eldritch commanded, his voice cutting through the tension. Without hesitation, he charged forward, followed closely by Micah and Killian, ready to turn the tide of the battle in their friends' favor.

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