Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157

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The moment Qarek's shout pierced the air, Sable's eyes narrowed, her smirk widening as she assessed the new arrivals. Qarek, Micah, Killian, and Eldritch charged forward, their resolve clear, joining Kazaks, Yzavynne, and Leeani in a united front against the formidable Sable.

Sable's laughter echoed ominously as she twirled her machete with deadly precision. "More playthings? This will be fun!"

Kazaks swung his massive war hammer with a roar, aiming to cleave Sable in half. She dodged effortlessly, her movements almost serpentine. "Still too slow, Kazaks," she taunted, her voice dripping with mockery.

Micah, with her dao sword at the ready, leaped into the fray. She aimed for Sable's side, her strikes swift and precise. "Let's see you dodge this!" she cried. Sable parried her blade, her eyes flashing with admiration.

Killian circled around, looking for an opening. "We need to work together! Coordinate our attacks!" he shouted. He lunged forward, his fist glowing with a faint energy as he struck, aiming for Sable's midsection. She spun, narrowly avoiding his punch, but it disrupted her balance.

"Nice try," she hissed, but her grin faltered for a moment.

Eldritch, keeping a strategic distance, hurled his spear with incredible force, aiming for Sable's shoulder. "This ends now!" he bellowed. Sable ducked, the spear grazing her arm and drawing blood.

"You'll pay for that, you, villager," she snarled, her playful demeanor giving way to genuine anger.

Yzavynne's whip blade cracked through the air, aimed at Sable's legs. "Stay down, you monster!" she shouted. Sable jumped, avoiding the whip, but it gave Leeani the opening she needed. She loosed a volley of arrows, each one aimed with deadly precision.

Sable twirled her blades, deflecting most of the arrows, but one slipped through, grazing her cheek. Blood trickled down, and her eyes blazed with fury. "Enough games!" she roared.

Qarek, seeing his chance, charged forward with a war cry, his war axe swinging in a wide arc. Sable blocked with her blades, the force of the impact reverberating through the battlefield. "I've had enough of you!" Qarek growled, pushing against her.

The clash intensified. Sable's speed and agility seemed almost supernatural, but the combined might of the group began to wear her down. Each attack was met with another, each dodge with a counterstrike. The air was filled with the sounds of metal clashing, grunts of exertion, and the occasional cry of pain.

"Together, we can do this!" Eldritch shouted, rallying the group. They formed a semi-circle around Sable, each taking turns to strike, forcing her on the defensive.

Kazaks swung his war hammer again, slower this time, feigning fatigue. Sable took the bait, moving to counterattack. At that moment, Killian struck from the side, his glowing fist connecting with her ribs. Sable staggered, the first real sign of her weakening.

Micah and Leeani attacked in unison, Micah's blades flashing and Leeani's arrows flying. Sable parried and dodged, but the relentless assault began to overwhelm her. "You're good, but not good enough!" Micah yelled, her sword cutting through the air with fierce determination.

Sable's movements grew more frantic as she realized she was being pushed back. Yzavynne's whip blade cracked again, wrapping around Sable's ankle and yanking her off balance. "Now, Qarek!" Yzavynne cried.

Qarek roared, bringing his axe down with all his might. Sable raised her machete to block, but the sheer force of the blow shattered her machete. She cried out in pain and fury, her blade knocked from her hand.

"Finish this!" Eldritch shouted, his voice filled with urgency.

Qarek, his eyes blazing with determination, delivered a final, powerful strike. Sable, exhausted and weaponless, fell to her knees, her defiance finally broken.

"It's over, Sable," Qarek said, his voice steady despite his labored breathing. "You lost."

Sable looked up, her eyes filled with rage and something resembling respect. "Maybe so," she spat, "but don't think this is the end."

"Whatever comes next, we'll be ready," Eldritch replied, stepping forward. "We fight for our people, and we fight together."

Kazaks, Leeani, and Yzavynne, their foreheads glistening with sweat, felt a strange sensation as the tattoos they bore suddenly faded away, disappearing without a trace. 

The group stood victorious, their breathing heavy but their spirits unbroken. They had faced a formidable foe and emerged triumphant, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Sable's eyes narrowed with a cunning glint. Silently, she slipped a dagger from a hidden sheath, her movements masked by the ongoing conversation.

"But don't think this is the end," Sable muttered under her breath, her voice dripping with defiance.

Eldritch, always vigilant, caught the subtle shift in her posture. Without hesitation, he lunged forward, tackling Sable to the ground with a forceful crash. The others, startled, took a step back as Eldritch wrestled the dagger from her grasp.

"Not so fast!" Eldritch growled, his eyes locked on Sable's as he applied pressure, securing her arm in an unyielding armbar.

Sable writhed beneath him, her face contorted with pain and fury. "Get off me, you nasty villager!" she hissed, struggling to break free, but Eldritch's grip was ironclad.

"You're not getting away with this," he said through gritted teeth, tightening his hold. "You've caused enough trouble."

Kazaks stepped forward, ready to assist, but Eldritch shook his head. "I've got this. Keep an eye out for any more surprises."

Micah, Killian, and the others formed a protective circle, their weapons ready. The atmosphere was tense, the adrenaline from the battle still coursing through their veins.

"You think this will stop me?" Sable spat, her voice laced with venom. "There are more like me. You can't win."

Eldritch leaned in, his expression steely. "We'll face them too, one by one, if we have to. But for now, you're done."

With a final, swift motion, he disarmed her completely, the dagger clattering to the ground. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief, the immediate threat neutralized.

"Thanks, Eldritch," Qarek said, admiration in his voice. "You saved us from another nasty surprise."

Eldritch nodded, still holding Sable firmly. "Let's secure her properly this time. We can't afford any more risks."

They bound Sable's hands and feet with thick ropes, ensuring she couldn't make another move. As they finished, the group stood together, their unity stronger than ever.

"Now," Eldritch said, his voice calm but authoritative, "let's get back to the village. We have more to do, and we need to be ready for whatever comes next."

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