chapter 8: monster raid arc

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In the UA locker rooms

Sero: "uhhhh... guys... have you checked the news right now!?"

Kirishima: "huh?!"

Lida: "why? What happened?!"

Sero: "there's a Dragon level monster attacking Nagano city right now!!"

Kaminari: "is there any heroes there?!".

Sero: "there is metal bat, Mirko, and...."


The crowd were screaming as they began to run towards the opposite direction. The exit of the city. Metal bat was fighting elder centipede and Mirko was knocked out from her fight with Izuku.

Woman (screaming): "what happened to all the heroes?!"

Man (screaming): "Mirko's out, she's just lying on the ground unconscious".

Woman: "let's get out of here".

Izuku was walking forward, opposite of everyone else's direction.

Izuku: "well, well. Everyone's all excited. Threat level dragon gets announced, and boom... suddenly it's a party. I wonder if metal bat will still be alive by the time i find him."

Before he could think, he saw a person hurled towards him from that centipede. It was none other than metal bat.

Izuku: "huh? Metal bat... how'd he— oh that's how." he scoffs. "so, some other monster got to beat up an S-class, huh? I wasted my time."

However, much to Izuku's shock, Metal Bat promptly walks past him to resume his duel with Elder Centipede.

Metal bat: "*sighs* Back to the grind."

Izuku was caught off guard by the sudden encounter but regained his composure.

Izuku: "Metal bat, hold up you're not dead yet?!"

Metal bat: "huh?"

Izuku: "You being alive changes things." he laughs. "my second S-class and second Hero I hunt today. From here on, you face me. I'm hunting you." he said pointing at him.

Metal bat: "huh? Get real dipshit. Can't you see that giant centipede? Get your ass—".

Before he could finish his sentence, Izuku attacks, but Metal Bat raises his guard and repels him, marking the beginning of the battle.

Metal Bat: "now I see. You're that guy who's been running around, calling himself a hero hunter."

Izuku: "damn right. This monster won't fall to you". He laughed.

Metal Bat: "I'm guessing you already beat Mirko up. You can see I'm busy here. But sure I'll spare a little time... And crack you wide Open."


Mandalay: "damn it..."

Pixie bob: "it's got us cornered".

Mandalay: "if we don't do something quick, we're dead". She said as she imaged kota's face in her head.

Before they could react, endeavour shows up and threws a few massive fire balls at the centipede but dispite this Elder Centipede remains undamaged by Endeavours attacks.

Endeavour POV: "not even a scratch, this one's gonna be a pain in the ass."

Elder centipede: "annoying misqito".

Mandalay and pixie bob began to run with the hero association executive on their arms.

Mandalay: "i hope kota's safe".

Hero Hunter: Izuku Yagi [opm x mha]Where stories live. Discover now