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Unaiza fidgeted with her fingers. "Please don't tell this to Huzaifa that I love him."

Haider raised a brow. "Why?"

"I don't believe in shoving down your wishes on anyone. I would rather he knows it by himself than anyone or myself telling him," she replied.

Haider nodded with a smile. "Of course. Be happy Unaiza and don't let him consider you a pushover either. Fight for your rights."

She sighed at this. She would never be able to do so.

Haider stared at his wristwatch. "I have to leave for my duty. Take care of yourself."

She glanced at Haider who was now in his car and within a moment, he started the engine and he left. Everything was sorted now except her heart.


The craze never lessened. It increased more and more. Huzaifa was like an addiction which Unaiza wanted to leave but she couldn't. The drug that was making her obsessed with itself. She couldn't spend a day without it. It had been a week since their marriage occurred.

And Unaiza couldn't remember a night that didn't pass without passion. They kissed each other for such a long time which would make them breathless. Huzaifa laid his claims over every part of her body and she was just left blushing the next morning. And before sleeping, he used to cuddle her and she always found herself in his arms as they woke up. Things still didn't proceed anywhere further than this but she knew within no time, they would go ahead. However, Unaiza liked it regardless.

She had stopped herself from wishing and yearning for more. That was out of her reach. Huzaifa's heart only belonged to Inaya. She was just his first wife. And she had to keep this marriage for everyone's sake. She had to come away so that Huzaifa and Tashfeen could drop their differences. Besides, she had promised Huzaifa that if he would drop his plan and wouldn't frustrate his father regarding her, she would happily give herself to him.

And now she would love to do that regardless. Their marriage wasn't based on any fantasy. That was a realistic world and in this world, men married more than one woman, they loved someone else other than their wife but they still cared for their wife. This wasn't about love. Everything really wasn't about love at all. That was about commitment. Unaiza made an obligation to Aqia, Tashfeen, and to herself that she would work on this marriage.

Their morning routine too remained the same. Huzaifa would ask for her his morning juice in either his gym or after swimming. And she couldn't remember a day when they didn't kiss. In fact, they had their morning kiss on that occasion. Even that thought made her face become flushed again.

Now she could remember nothing other than Huzaifa. He was engraved in her brain and only his thoughts permeated in her mind. Her heartbeats raced at his sight more than before. She saw dreams about him. In short, Unaiza was totally smitten by her husband now.

Her Step Husband ✓Where stories live. Discover now