𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑖𝑣𝑒.

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I couldn't stop scolding myself angrily as I made my way to the lecture room.

I had planned on waking up early but ends up waking up late.. all thanks to my alarm that went off for no fucking reason.

As soon as I arrive at the lecture room, fear engulfs me and I start panting as If I had ran a marathon race..

I quickly took in a long sharp breathe to calm my nerves and it really did work.

Shyly I walk in to the lecture room, ignoring the eyes on me, I made my way to middle roll, making sure not to interrupt the lecturers teaching.

" Hi...." I mutter gently to the dude sitting next to me.

He smiles and turn to face me" I'm Daniel"

" Novella" I reply."mind sharing your note with me after lecture??"

" Sure, it's really nice meeting you" he says and gently touch my shoulder, smiling widely.

He looks damn handsome, like he has that appearance that could make him stand out in the crowd. He is fair, almost looking pale, his golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face and his viking brown hair, that adds spice to his dashing look.

You all shouldn't blame me if I eventually develop feelings for him, cause It takes me just a minute to like cute guys.

" Same" I smile back and avert my gaze to the lecturer who looks so immersed in his teaching.

After lectures, I and Danny left the lecture room chatting and laughing, like we've known each other for years, whereas we just met few hours ago.

" What are your plans for today??" He asks, with a mouthful of hamburger buns.

" I dunno!! " I shrug, chewing up the the piece of burger in my mouth.

" That means you will be free, all through today?? "

" Hmmm"I hum and he starts smiling." What?? "

" I'll like to take you out for dinner tonight, we could go to a movie house, as well "

" Wow, that's awesome!! " I exclaim."Pick me up by 7:30pm"

" Sure, let me have your contact.. I'll call you "

" Okay "I reply and we quickly exchanges contacts.

Once we were done eating, he walk me back to the females dorm. " Thanks" I say to him and left.

I walk in to the room, Cassie and her boyfriend Eli were making out, both lost in lust that I wasn't noticed.

" Hmm hmm" I clear my throat and they quickly jolt away from each other.

" Nov?" They exclaim in sync.

" Yeah,Nov.. sorry for interrupting" I apologize instantly.

" It's okay, moreover you have every right to interrupt cause this is also your room.. so any plans for tonight??" She leans closer to Elijah, who quickly wrap his arms around her.

Aww, so cute..

Someone is getting jealous oo.

I wonder when I'll find someone like Elijah, someone who would love me with everything he has.

I just wish falling out of love is as easy as reciting ABCD, probably I'd had fallen out of love with Chase.

I just wish I can hate him.. I can stop thinking about him.. I can stop wishing to be his again... I know it's so foolish of me to wish for such things but I don't seem to care, cause I guess being foolish is what I'm pretty good at.

If we ever meet again, I promise to get back at you, for ever making me a dreamer, Chase.

" Chase??. You know him??" Cassie questions quizzically.

" Chase?? Who is he??" I ask, totally confuse by her sudden outburst

" You just called Chase, so?. I'm asking if you know him.." she explains.

Does she know Chase??.

" No, I don't " I lie" does he school here?? "

" Yeah... So any plans for tonight?? "

Chase schools here..??
I don't think it's the Chase I know cause he never planned to attend UCLA.

What if, it really him??.

Gosh I can't wait to meet the Chase of a guy she's talking about.

" Yeah, I'm going out with a friend for dinner" I reply and she frowns.

" A friend..??, you already have a friend!, Tell me.. a boy or a girl?? "

" A boy " I reply and she narrows her eyes suspiciously at me" what?"I start blushing.

" You are blushing that means you like him, OMG!!" She laughs and I frown pretending to be pissed off. " C'mon, stop frowning, I was just pulling your legs" she adds with an apologetic look.

" So..??, Why did ask if I had plans for tonight..?? "

" I want you to come with us to a party, so you'd meet my friends.  " she pouts.

No, it's not gonna work..
Attending campus party, is the last thing I ever wanna do.

" I.. "

" Please.., I know you don't like partying... but just for tonight, I promise you won't regret it" she pleads, her eyes begging as well.

" Please, just for tonight.. " Elijah adds, with a please - don't - say - no - look.

" Fine" I surrender, with my hands up in the air.

Cassie got on her feet's instantly and ran to me" thanks darling" she hugs me briefly.

I can't believe, I'm going to a party tonight, All thanks to Cassie and Eli.

I just can't say no to them, not when they've been so nice to me lately.
I just hope nothing crazy happens at the party...

" You are definitely gonna enjoy the party, My friends can't wait to meet you, I've told them about you already and they are all desperate to meet my beautiful roomie" she winks and I just laugh.

" I'll like to meet them too" I say.

We talked for a while before she and her boyfriend left.

" Today's quite better than yesterday" I tell myself and slowly lie down, staring up the ceiling as I thought of my self..

What would i become in the next few days, will I still be the Novella I've always been or I'll become someone I myself won't recognize..

My phone vibrates, indicating I've got a new message.
Hoping it was my aunt who I had texted earlier, I reach for it and on the screen was " Danny"

Why's he texting me???

" I'm sorry I can't make it up to you tonight, I'm going out with my girlfriend is " I read and a smile forms on my lips.

Wow, he has a lover just like Cassie, I'm the only one who is single.

Quite, unfortunate of me.

" No problem, we could go out some other times" I reply and his reply came instantly, as if he had been waiting for my response.

" Sure, see you tomorrow."

I smile at his response and return my phone to the desk.

To be continued.

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