Chapter 2: Two Prince's

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

You kicked a pebble out of frustration muttering under your breath complaining about getting married even you don't want to "Stupid marriage arrangement...I still wanted to explore the world! Not be a wife to some random guy!"
You complained sitting down on the grassy plains of your clan's garden.

"Looks like someone's out of the weather." A voice chuckled sitting down next to you nudging your shoulder "What's got you so worked up hmm?" They asked slightly tilting their head in wonder.

You huffed out "They wanted me to be married off to some bozo I don't even know." You replied "What will you do in my position Yuki?" You asked turning your gazed to her to see she is already thinking of an answer.

"Hmm...Maybe I will keep on pestering my family about not wanting to be married off." She replied with a smile "As if that will work with my parents...especially my mom." You spoke pulling out some of the grass of the garden before letting them get drifted away by the wind before letting out a frustrated groan laying down on the grass.

"Hey, cheer up! Maybe the man you're going to be married off to is actually nice and handsome~" Yuki teasingly wiggled her eyebrows up and down poking your side making you let out giggles say the ticklish feeling "Yuki stop it! Hahaha!" You protested with a fit of laughter which made Yuki chuckle and stop poking your sides.

You calmed yourself down wiping the small tears of your eyes before sitting back up sighing "Honestly I don't care if the man I'm going to get married to is not handsome, I just want someone who will be devoted to our marriage and no slack around." You spoke looking at the flowers that dance along the windy breeze making your hair follow the same dance the flowers too.

"Oh so you're that kind of girl! You that's why I like you." Yuki smiled "I bet most princesses are picky and want men sculpted by gods!" Yuki laughed before turning to you "Your mother gave you options right? It's whether you take the man they choose or find a man your own right? If I'm correct how about I introduce you two prince's I know!"

You turned your head to her with a curious gaze "Sure I'm down." You grinned, meeting new people always excited you since you always like to have friends around but sometimes you get a little shy since you're self conscious about that people might be annoyed by you.

"Alright! I'll send them a letter since they live or rule in another kingdom, meh I'll just probably visit them to make things faster." Yuki spoke making the grinned face you have earlier "So are you free in the weekends?" Yuki asked and you nod your head "Yeah am I going to meet them this Saturday?" Yuki grinned even wider "Yep! Alright you will meet them tomorrow afternoon so get all dolled up alright?" Yuki teased making you chuckle.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・''・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Yuki wanted you to meet two prince's in hopes of finding your match or just be friend with them

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