I have a serious problem!

Happy? write a chapter! Sad? write a chapter.

Anyway, here is a new update ❤️

*** Randheera ***

"Deva I got the file," I said as I barged into the meeting chambers while my eyes made their way to the sandclock on the table.

Phew! Escaped the investigation!

"Damn it," Deva said disappointed as he punched the table in frustration.

"Aww poor Deva," I teased.

"Shut up," he said rolling his eyes as he grabbed the file. "For someone who claims to be the fastest horseman you are certainly late," he taunted.

"That's only because I had to confront the soldiers who abandoned their posting," I explained, "and my wife who was the reason for that."

Deva immediately stopped reading and looked at me with utmost surprise.

"Your wife?" he asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I got married during my trip to the East."

Deva immediately took a nearby paper weight and threw it at me and it was so fast that I had to duck down instead of catching it which I would usually do.

"I could've gotten hurt, Deva!" I said angrily.

"That was the intention," he said equally angrily, "You got married and did not even bother informing your best friend?"

'Well I wanted to inform you," I oppossed, "which is why I was here yesterday and you asked about the tribals case....today morning I tried again...and you confronted me about hurting your pet snake."

"Hurt?" Deva said raising his eyebrows, "You caused him to panic and turn his entire chamber upside down by lying to him that there is a snake inside!"

"Where is the lie?" I countered and Deva threw another paper weight at me but this time....I caught it.

"Anway," I continued, "It's not that important because I didn't marry her because I loved her. I married her because someone told she couldn't have a son and no one else was willing to marry her. Her stupid father decided to get her married to an old man for security, so I interefered and married her so that she didn't have to suffer."

"Hmm," Deva nodded thinking.

"You disagree with my choice?" I asked.

"Not sure if I disagree," he answered, "Just wondering if you actually saved her or just replaced her suffering with slightly lesser suffering."

"Marrying me is suffering?" I asked offended.

"If you love her, then definitely not," he replied, "but given that you don't, I am concerned that you've dragged a women into a lifetime of loveless marriage, which sooner or later is going to make her suffer."

I remained silent. 

I do agree with him, partially.

"Still better than what her father had planned," Deva continued when he noticed my change of expressions. "What's her name?" he asked.

"Yashu," I replied.

"That...sounds like a nickname," Deva said confused, "What's her actual name?"

"That is her actual name," I emphasized, "That's what her friends and family call her."

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