Bye :) (+my life story that no one asked)

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*Inhales deeply*


I just want to say that I won't be able to upload any more works in here, I'll be busy with other stuff. I doubt I'll have enough time to write and upload. Maybe I'll be able to write more and upload them (Idk) Oh and I may or may not end the book right here, I don't know when. Actually, I don't think I will have enough time for writing. I kind of gave up on it lol. Just in case I did end it, I want to thank those who read and gave helpful feedback, I appreciate it!

UPDATE: I'm giving up on writing and here's my life story if anyone wants to listen:

For some reason, I just want to vent here lol, here goes noThInG:-
I used to live abroad. Throughout my entire life, I was homeschooled and sheltered. I never shared any strong bond with anyone or my family. As a consequence? It eventually led me to being this blood-sucking leech who only knows how to depend on other people. (I still am) If you asked me to turn on a stove, I won't even know how to do it, that's how sheltered and dumb I am. Literally every human being on this planet knows how to, but I don't. When I lived abroad, a few people didn't like me because of my skin color, I never got bullied luckily. As I have said before, I almost knew no one. I had no friends, I had no one to talk to. Even though I stayed under the same roof. I stayed idle in my own house, caring to know no one, I'm a distant person you could say. I missed around 4 years of school, now that I've returned to my home country, it's so hard for me adapt easily. I don't like changes. It was so surreal when I first arrived in my country. Even though I've been here since 1 year. I feel like a foreigner visiting. When I transferred to a new school. Everyone seemed nice and friendly at first, but slowly by slowly, I realised the way they act and their mannerisms. Let's just say, some of them aren't so great. My friend (who I later discovered was actually a relative of mine) got bullied by them, and I never knew that until she told me. Soon, I grew a little dislike for them, they even made fun of my grades in French. (LET'S JUST SAY I'M NOT THE SMARTEST COOKIE 💀) AND OH MY GOSH, WE HAVE A STUDENT COUNCIL THAT DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I was embarrassed, I know I'm dumb and illogical but saying that to my face didn't make me feel better. (I NEVER got bullied by them, they were nice to me so far, so I can't complain :/) After making one friend, I gradually began having 4 friends instead. The thing is, we only talk when it's school related. They're nice and always try to include me in some things but eh. I mean we don't have to talk to each other all day but they only talk to me when they need my help with some homework. Usually, I'm the one who starts the conversation or my friend, (let's call her Maya) Maya. Gosh- why whenever I step a foot outside, it's just social suicide. Whenever someone wants to be friends with me, it's because they need me for something. When I actually try to talk to someone, it's dead obvious they don't want me around. This happened to me with this new girl in my class. I heard she used to be a victim of bullying, so Maya and I approached her. Suprisingly, she and Maya got on so well, I was third wheeling this entire time. Whenever I talked, I always made things awkward. She didn't want me around, she didn't tell me but I knew it. So I gave up on trying to be friends with her. She knew Maya was getting bullied by them. SHE'S A VICTIM HERSELF, maybe she's afraid that they don't want to be friends with her anymore? uGH- Idk. At the same time, I feel sorry for her, because everyone only wanted to be friends with her for her looks. When she first arrived, everyone constantly kept saying she was so pretty. They all sticked to her table like flies trying to be bumblebees, but I know how they are like. I can't believe she wants to befriend the mean girl wannabes plastic bXXXXs. Okay, maybe I do dislike them more than little, who wouldn't if your friend is getting bullied by them? I won't bother reporting them because everyone would end up believing more because they have the entire student council on their side PLUS the student council have good reputations because they study and do their homeworks on time. "YOuU'Re jUST jEalOus BECAUSE SHe's pRettAaY1!1!1- " I won't lie, I do get jealous or envy people, but I wasn't jealous here. To support this theory, I've proof: We had this new transfer student (let's just say she's a bit overweight NO OFFENSE) No one even bothered talking to her. They asked for her name and phone number, and that was pretty much it. Honestly, I wasn't really keen on being her friend, but she ended up as my fourth friend :/. We barely talk to each other. There were so many new students joining my class. When someone new joined, I would try being their friend but it was all in vain, same thing ended up with the one who I mentioned above :/. I gained one kg (I can't believe it, especially when I tried so hard to lose weight) recently, I'm trying to prevent from eating more but I can't help but stuff sweet things down my throat when I'm upset. I'm scared that I will eventually end up bingeing or just have diabetes if I'm not more careful. If I'm being honest. it might sound rude but I don't want to be Maya's friend. She isn't a terrible person, she has a good heart! It's more of a "me" problem. I can't belive she keeps talking to those who wronged her. It upsets me, I don't know if I've the right to be upset. I know I'm sounding like a dramatic bXXXX, but Idk anymore, yk :/ There are things way worse, but I'm here complaining about something so minor lol. I should concentrate way more on my studies. I was planning to unpublish this book but I decided to just leave it like this. At this point, I'm just ranting 💀 S-s-s-s- should I write this in a separate book?
I know no one will read it but I'm just going to do it because I'm bored

Thanks for uH- listening to my life story , I guess. Have a wonderful day/evening/night!



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