Chapter Nine - Zeke

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The quarantine zone is filled with empty hospital cots and hazmat suited staff are busy at work organising procedures and preparing equipment. The head nurse provides each patient with a barcode tag they must wear at all times on either their wrist or ankle. 

"This is your bed and beside it is your sisters. You're not permitted to change beds. Is that clear?" the nurse instructs. Zeke and Jessica nod. "How long will we be in here? What do they need the quarantine for?" "The CDCP are performing an investigation into the effects of outbreak X and researching effective treatments. You will be allowed to leave when they've surmised their conclusions." 

"So, it's an infection then? What do we have? What disease is making us sick?" "Hey, I'm just doing my job. You should consider directing your questions to the CDCP staff. I can't answer them for you." "Erm, okay?" 

The far wall at the end of the isolation room opens and in pour more patients just finished decontamination. "It's Tabatha!" Jessica exclaims. Zeke turns his head to see the shy girl enter the room following behind the others. She looks anxious, unsure of herself or maybe uneased by the facility they're all incarcerated in. Just as lost as they are.

Jess and Zeke shuffle past the incoming flow of patients. "Hey, I thought you said you were leaving?" "Hello again. I thought I was but evidently not. They quarantined the department just before I had the chance to leave. Did they tell you why we're here?" Zeke shrugs. "I've been asking myself that question. Something about running tests or making treatments. I'm not clear on it." 

"Do you believe them?" Tabatha inquires. Jess and Zeke are surprised by the line of questioning. "Well, we've no reason not to. Unless you have something to say?" "No." Tab shakes her head. "We won't get to see grandmama now. She's probably worried sick." Jess tugs on Zekes arm. "It'll be fine."

A nurse approaches Tabatha handing her a barcode tag. "Wow, okay." Zeke chuffs. "Reduced to but a number. Seems a bit impersonal don't you think?" derides Zeke acerbically as the nurse hands him his. He ignores him continuing to distribute tags to the newcomers. "I don't suspect he has any more say in this than we do. Shall we find a place to sit?" Tabatha suggests and the three explore the room. 

In the end the options are dismally limited, so they slump down against the plastic partition and look out at the medical staff, soldiers and CDCP carrying out their operations in the corridors beyond. "That's the head of the operation, Ms. Wraithmore. She's not the most amicable person I've encountered." Tabatha whispers. 

"You mean she's in charge of quarantine?" "Yes. That's correct. She runs the show. Along with General Kront. A pair of rotten eggs in my personal opinion." "I can see why." Zeke replies. Out beyond the plastic wall, the woman snaps at virtually anyone who approaches her. "No, no, no! I said the labs are to relinquish all outbreak samples to the CDCP team. Are you deaf? Must I say it with a megaphone? They are no longer your responsibility. We must have all samples for an accurate analysis."

But Ms. Wraithmore, respectfully ma'am, Doctor Parks has a PhD in virology and I'm a specialist in epidemiology. We can help with your investigation, if we could only access the labs. Perhaps a fresh set of eyes could speed up the process."

"Let me be very clear with both of you. You're here to follow orders, not make suggestions. We have a strict protocol to follow. While your expertise is valuable no doubt, I assure you that our team is far more studied in this particular area. You have, I don't know, something to attend to? I suggest you make haste with your own duties." She shoos them away with both hands attempting to resume paperwork. "You can't do that. There's no monopoly on scientific investigation. This is outrageous."

Wraithmore, impatient now, darts a vicious look from her chair. "All independent investigations outside that of the CDCP into the cause of this outbreak are prohibited. Do you get that?"

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