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"Snake-san...I know you're hungry..."
Sonic teases as he climbs down the dark staircase.

Pac-man stops spoon feeding the tied down man.

Snake coughs out the spoiled cake with a small tear running down his cheek.

Mega Man takes out a blade.

"NO!- PLeASE" Snake yells with the taste of rotten sweets in his mouth.

He cuts the rope that kept snake to a chair.

"Snake-san..." Sonic teases once more as he tears off snake's clothes

Before everyone can enter him in the heat of the moment, pac man got an idea.


He takes out the rotten cake and grabs a chunk.

"Pac Man?"

He began to shove the cake up Snakes ass. (Seriously why does the fanfic exist)

Sonic then began to enter snake and began to grow hard as he felt the moist cake against him.

Sonic carefully lifted up Snake and motioned Mega man to stand behind him.

He followed Sonic's orders and helped holding snake.

Sonic slightly began to slide out as Mega man slowly made his way in.

Snake couldn't breathe, and to make things worse, pac man began feeding him again.

He listened to their heated breaths while he thought of a plan. He attempted to kick Sonic, but they were holding him up by his legs.


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