Chapter One

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(Y/n) pov:

I was doing my homework when my email went off on my computer. I checked it and it was a letter and it was signed by the name Kira.

"It's probably one of my friends trying to scare my thinking that it's the mass murder Kira" I said to myself. I memorized the address and found it was a empty storage building.

"Glad to see you came" a voice said.

"Wh-who are you?" I said a bit scared. It was a boy with red glowing eyes and was a brunette.

He chuckled, "I am Kira"

I went wide eyes 'what have I gotten myself into?' I thought.

Be looked at my in the eyes and chuckles again, "I also know your L's sister (y/n)"

"H-how do you know my name?!" I gasped.

Kira smirked "I have my ways and now..." He stopped in the middle of his sentence and pulled out a notebook called Death Note and wrote something in it "I'll tell L you said goodbye". Then my heart started to hurt, I was having a heart attack!

When I was about to die I woke up holding my heart, breathing heavily and was sweating " that person looked just like Light Imagay- I mean Yagami! But without the red eyes and evilness"

I then got up and got dressed and walked out the front door to the highschool.

Hello how was my first x reader I hope you like it peace out my little Nekos

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