Chapter 7: Let's Go Out To Dearhurst

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Aiden's POV

I am so excited.

I finished lunch before everyone else so I could call my parents and tell them that I invited all of my friends and a few of their friends to come with us to Deerhurst. And to my newfound luck, they both said yes.

School has just ended and I am meeting up with everyone so that we can leave tonight.

This whole thing was kind of rushed so we were super lucky that this is going to be a long weekend.

Once everyone arrived I told them about what we were doing. Scarlett's friends came as well as Aaron's so most of us were there.

After the discussion with all of them we figured out the driving and we organized how we would get to our houses to get our stuff. Then we would meet at my house before we would go.

"Oh my goodness I am so excited!" Said, Meaghan, as we went towards Rivers house first since it was the closest.

Meaghan, Ethan, River, and I were driving with Aaron in his car to go get our stuff while Scarlett drove her and her friends. Chris didn't need a ride since he had his own car so he would just drive to his place then pick up Ethan and River and bring them to my house since he had so much time.

"Yeah, I can't believe all of our parents said yes when you just told us." River went on to comment.

"Well, I am just excited to go to Deerhurst again. It was so much fun last time, right Aiden?" Ethan said

"Yeah, Deerhurst is awesome." I agreed with a nod.

"Oh, we're here." Aaron said, grabbing everyone's attention. We all looked out the window to see that Aaron had stopped in front of River's house. River unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the car door.

"Ok see you guys in an hour," River said as he got out of the car. "Oh wait I am driving with Chris to your house right Aiden?"

"Yep, we will call you when he is about to arrive." I told him in my professional voice.

"Alright, bye." He smiled, slamming the car door shut.

"Bye." We all called after him.

"Ok." Aaron said as he drove away from River's house. "We're going to Ethan's place next right?"

"Right." Ethan said.

We continued to drive towards Ethan's place, enjoying the music that was playing through the car speakers.

Ethan got out shortly after and soon it was just Meaghan, Aaron, and I in the car waiting to get to my place.

"Thanks for driving me and don't forget to tell Mark and Jasmine about the trip." I told them.

"Will do, we will be here as soon as possible." Meaghan told me.

"Ok bye."

"Bye." They said back. I walked to my house quickly wanting to get the rest of my stuff packed.

"I'M HOME!" I called once I got into the house. My mom walked into the foyer and smiled when she saw me.

"Oh hi, honey when are your friends gonna be here?" My mom asked me.

"In around an hour, I am going upstairs to finish packing ok?" I asked not really needing an answer.

"Alright, be quick." My mom added, reaching her hand out to ruffle my hair.

I rushed up the stairs going into my room to see Mason packing up his clothes as well.

"Hey Mason, did mom tell you already?" I asked as I went to my closet, grabbing my half-filled suitcase and putting in more clothes along with my swimming trunks and sweater.

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