Happy soul you say, happy soul?

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Happy soul you say,happy soul...?

May be I'm not. May be I am doomed for eternity.

But I laugh, I smile. There's my happiness lies.

O' my love...come and free me.

Take me away, I wanna be your pacifier...

I know you need love.I know you need care.

I don't have desire to be loved, may be I have but Not that strong.

I want to love more than I want to be loved.

I want to care more than I want to be cared

.O' my love...come and free me,

take me away,i wanna be your pacifier...

When will the Time come when I'll hold your face in my hand to kiss your forehead.

When will the time come when you'll sleep in my lap.

When will the time come when you'll let me make your pain mine.

When will the time come when You'll let me solve the mystery you are.

When will the time come. when I'll feel that security in your arms.

O' my love...come and free me,

take me away,i wanna be your pacifier...

~ Madhuri.

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