the shack

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  One day a family moved into a house. The house was some what big. it has 2 floors, attic, and a basement. this house was not like any other house! in the backyard they was a old shack. this shack was very hard to get into the grass really long, one side of the shack was falling down, and it had a small hole in the top right up above the door. Tiffany and her husband just got a defores and Madison their 4 year old daughter and Jacob their 13 year old son. tiffany got cosity of them but the father still gets to see them. they were the family that just moved in.

jacob didn't want to to live with his mom he really missed his father but he still lives tiffany. new schools are always hard when you're in a older grade. Madison has it easy she's only in jk/kindergarten. today was the first day of school for Jacob, Madison only goes every other day.

"we have a new student in our class today he just moved into the house down the road from here!" the teacher said (Ms. Metcalfe) as jacob walked into the class.

Jacob just keeped his head down and walked to the front and asked where he set is.

"can everyone come get their hand writing well i talk to Jacob......oh i forgot to say his name is Jacob!" Ms Metcalfe said.

"hey Emma" avery whispered

"Yeah was up" Emma replied

"never mind... jk im not annoying, the new kid" avery said they were both whispering.

"what about him?"

"first call him, but i think we should take him in?"

"Avery that not far, i think so too"

"Avery!" Ms Metcalfe yelled to get Avery's addiction. She walked up to Ms MetCalfe's desk.

"Yes, before you start i'm sorry"

"You're not in trouble you're never in trouble our so nice, can you take Jacob on a tower of the school?"

"i can try, joking i will" Avery said. Avery said come on to Jacob.

"this is the leiberry" Avery said opening the door to show him.

"one of my friend have decided to take you in at reuss we're going to mean in the the spot" Avery said telling him about the plan.

"Wheres the spot?" Jacob asked.

"this is the office and this is the gym"

"and where is the spot?" he asked again.

"You will see, k" Avery said not in a rude way. Avery told him to wait outside the classroom door.

"can i show him outside?" Avery asked Ms Metcalfe.

"we were just about to go outside, tell him to get ready and here's the list of rules you can raed he where we come in" Ms Metcalfe.


everyone was around Jacob telling him stories about the shack. Although Jacob didn't believe them he told Madison just to scar her.

"Hey Jacob... can me and my friends come over to go in the shack?" some girl said with all her friends behind her.

"No because you only want to come over to go in the shack and we're are still unpacking. the girls walked away, when they trained they flipped their hair. At the end of the day, Jacob asked if Avery if she would like to come over, of cores Avery was scarred so asked if Emma could come to? jacob knew what she was thinking so he said it was fine.

Avery called her mom to ask if she could go strat it a new friend's house, it was fine Avery let Emma use her phone to call her mom. it was fine for both, but they didn't know if they where going to go straight to his house.

"what time?" Avery asked Jacob.

"if it fine with your parents right after school.. it's only a walking decades" Jacob replied

"Yeah that works what i ushale me and my friends plan what we are going to do... so and i know that your not unpacked yet" Emma said.

"emma how about we talk about this at reuss!" Avery said. Emma took Avery away to talk to her. but before a start lets just take a brake from the story drama.

the only free spot in the class was right beside Avery so Ms Metcalfe put him there. Back to the story.

"Avery it is really oversee you like him" Emma whispered to Avery.

"Emma! i know you can tell and i will sak him out one day but this is this first day" Avery said

"that will make his day tho"

"Emma no i have to make sure he is a best friend before i do"

"Avery at reus i want you to ask him to go out to a park with you"

"thats funny... you didn't want to say out to dinner because i can't do that but if u tried i would go and no"

"Avery i will ask out kaden please do it"

"fine... tomorrow that will be better"

"no today or will not ask out kaden!" Avery finally agreed to do it but Emma had to do a lot of things.

At recess.

"lets make sure we can trust Jacob first" Emmalee said, everyone agreed. they went through all the trust games. well Jacob was talking to Emmalee and Sierra, Emma gave Avery that look and put up 4 fingers up showing me how long i have. Avery looked at Jacob and called him over. Avery and Jacob said i have to tell you something at the the same time. they argued back and forth on who is going first to tell and Jacob won with ladies first.

"will you go out with me?" avery said under her breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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