A New Order

30 1 14


Grand Orbital Strategic Sphere

Captain Johann Emeks strode purposefully down the metallic hallway of High Rocks, the headquarters of the Grand Orbital Strategic Alliance Vanguard. His boots echoed against the smooth surface, the sound reverberating through the austere space. The walls of High Rocks were made of gleaming steel, and the bright lights overhead cast stark shadows that danced across the corridor. As he made his way through the labyrinthine complex, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer scale of the station. It was a true feat of engineering, a testament to the ingenuity of mankind.

Located some 500 kilometers away from earth, High Rocks was the largest and the most defended space station in the Grand Orbital Strategic Sphere. The Command was drab as usual and cold. As he neared the entrance, the captain could remember vividly his last "visit" here - the crushing weight of failure, the icy grip of handcuffs, and the burning sting of humiliation. He was dragged by SISOV Security and was court-martialed for insubordination. Today, he returned as a hero, his chest adorned with medals and commendations, a decorated officer of the Strategic Intergalactic Vanguard of The State. Today he was here to meet his superior officer and receive classified orders. He wondered if it was so "classified" that it couldn't be transmitted encoded to his base. Nevertheless, he'll find out.

As he approached the door, the lights flickered and hummed, casting an eerie glow on the polished metal walls. The android attendant's mechanical voice announced him "Corporal Johann Emeks" misplacing his rank and further frustrating him. He wondered what the OS was becoming. If it were a soldier he would have put some sense into him. Or her. He longed for the days when human soldiers manned the doors, their eyes sharp and alert, their judgment sound. But those days were gone, replaced by machines that lacked the intuition and adaptability of their human counterparts.

Entering the room, he caught a whiff of the General's expensive cologne, which mingled with the sterile scent of the station. The stark contrast between the opulent office and the utilitarian surroundings of the station made him feel as though he was stepping into another world entirely. Despite the grandeur, there was an undercurrent of tension that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He snapped a crisp salute, his military training taking over as he awaited his superior's orders.

His commanding officer saluted. "Have a seat Captain?" he said in his heavily accented English.

Captain Emeks sat down facing his superior, feeling a sense of unease wash over him as he took in the general's imposing figure. A bulky man of about 45 years, Lieutenant-General Gilbert Mikhel Korolev was a well-known Officer at the G.O.V.H.C. and a man of no humor. Dressed in his officer uniform, he looked every inch a general. He had dark hair, white skin, and a solid musculature, making quite an opposite to Emeks's black hair, brown skin, and lithe build. He also wore a cold and dead face of pure indifference that made you wonder how long he's been dead.

Emeks had heard stories about him, whispered in hushed tones among the ranks - that he had been involved in some of the most top-secret operations in the galaxy,  and that he had a reputation for being ruthless and uncompromising. Looking at the man now, it was easy to believe those rumors. And yet, despite his impressive record, there was something unsettling about him. His eyes held a coldness that seemed to pierce right through Emeks, and his face remained frozen in a perpetually expressionless mask. It was as if he had seen too much and felt too little. The man's presence was overwhelming, and his cold, deadpan expression left Emeks wondering just what secrets were hidden behind that expressionless face.

The captain tried to keep his expression neutral as he waited for Korolev to speak. The silence in the room was thick, broken only by the hum of the station's machinery and the occasional beep of a computer console. Emeks shifted slightly in his seat, wondering just what kind of mission the Lieutenant-General had in mind. He had been on plenty of classified missions before, but something about the atmosphere in the room made him feel like this one was different - more dangerous, more important, more...life-changing.

"Captain Emeks," Korolev began, his voice deep and gruff, "We are sending you on a top-secret expedition. Do you get me?"

"Yes, General," He replied dryly. The General was going to give him information. As little as possible. But he still had questions. "To where? Mars?"

" A classified location outside the G-Sphere"

"Outside the G-sphere?" Emeks couldn't help asking. The Captain couldn't believe it. The G-sphere spread thousands of light years in a milky way. Going outside it could take years even with the fastest light craft. Moreover, all expeditions that far have been undertaken by drones and androids and Stabots. It was considered suicidal even by the most seasoned pilots. It was uncharted territory, full of dangers And yet, he knew that he had no choice but to accept the mission. He was a soldier, and it was his duty to follow orders, no matter how impossible they seemed.

After the shocking revelation that he is being sent on a top-secret expedition to a location outside the G-Sphere, Captain Emeks could feel his heart racing. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had spent years serving the Strategic Intergalactic Vanguard of The State, but he had never been tasked with something so mysterious and dangerous.

As the General handed him a dossier with the mission details, Captain Emeks opened it to find a set of coordinates and a list of equipment he would need for the mission. He couldn't help but notice that most of the equipment was experimental, untested, and could potentially fail in space. This made him even more uneasy about the mission.

"Captain, this mission is of utmost importance to the Strategic Intergalactic Vanguard of The State," the General said, bringing him back to reality. "You have been chosen for this mission because of your exceptional skills and experience."

Captain Emeks nodded in acknowledgment. He knew he had to accept the mission, no matter the risks.

"Dismissed, Captain," the General said, and Captain Emeks stood up, saluted, and walked out of the office.

As he walked back to his quarters, his mind was racing with questions. What was outside the G-Sphere? Why was the Strategic Intergalactic Vanguard of The State sending him there? What were they looking for? And most importantly, would he be able to make it back alive?

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