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It was almost midnight when the last breath escaped her lips.

Evan stared at the dead girl for a long moment before looking up at his partner, the beginnings of concern written on his face. It was a misplaced concern, not intended for the girl, but for the trials that would follow. The night had taken a chill and the concrete parking garage did little to shield its guests from the crisp, cool air. Had she the ability, the dead girl would have certainly felt the chill—her dinner dress did little to combat the icy touch of the coming night.

The other man, Alexander, checked his watch and pushed off of the concrete column. "She's gone?" he asked, his accent the product of being born and raised mostly in London, but spending the last two decades in the States. He boasted an average height and an athletic build that could be glimpsed through the suit, though just barely; he had learned to hide the subtler details in his years, Evan knew.

Evan nodded after checking her neck for a pulse. "Expired," he said as he grabbed a small vial out of his jacket pocket and dropped two drops of a clear liquid into her open mouth, just under her tongue.

"It's done then," Alexander said as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and loaded it into his mouth. He held out the box to Evan. "I suppose it is an odd thing to celebrate." He paused as Evan grabbed a cigarette. "I mean, she was dreadfully beautiful." He moved closer, about three feet from where the dead girl lay. "Such a waste," he sighed, exhaling a long plume of smoke.

"The garage will be busy soon," Evan reminded, his concern evaporating as his mind scrolled through the timeline. "We should get moving."

Alexander nodded and pulled out a slim black phone and flicked through a few screens before he looked back to Evan. "I would venture eleven minutes, maybe more depending on traffic."

"Or less," Evan added in as he lit up the cigarette. "Two minutes out of the garage, another four to make it three blocks over, the remaining five to get the car and exit the lot." Evan looked down at the dead girl once more and took a final drag from the cigarette before dropping it on the floor. "Assuming her body takes it, everything should unfold along the original timeline."

"And if it doesn't?" Alexander questioned as he tucked his cigarette into his pocket after crushing the end between his fingers.

Evan did not seem troubled. "Then everything is pushed forward, nothing tragic; the desired effect is accomplished regardless."

"Did you take it?"

"The blue one? Of course," Evan answered. "Did you?"

Alexander nodded. "An hour ago."

"Then we have nothing to worry about."

Checking his phone once more, a frown covered Alexander's face. "How sure are we that she will get it and not someone else?"

"Positive," Evan replied with confidence. "There is simply no other option."

Alexander seemed to accept that. "You should get going then, you are down a minute."

"Yes," Evan replied. The anticipation of the night had increased his heart rate, but he gave no signs as he leaned down and kissed the dead girl on the forehead. He rose quickly, instantly forgetting her, his mind focused on the task ahead of him.

Alexander nodded, checked his phone once more, and made his way to the stairwell at the opposite end of the garage.

"See you on the other side," Evan said over hisshoulder before darting off towards the stairs.

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