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Blind people can dream:

Most people think that blind people can't dream, or as clearly as regular sighted people. In fact people with blindness dream as vividly as regular people, their dreams are enhanced through other sensory perceptions of touch and greater depth of the dream itself.

Repeating dreams:

This is a solid one in Psychology facts, you might have felt similar dreams reoccurring repeatedly. That might be an undone task or feeling in the mind that needs to performed or accomplished in reality. These sort of dreams act as a reminder for the job to be done. So once you know this is happening, recall your life and asses what needs to be done.

Colored dreams:

Since the arrival of color television, the average person dreaming in color has greatly increased, whereas earlier it was black and white for 12% of dreamers.

Lucid dreaming:

 People in fact can control their dreams, it's called lucid dreaming. Despite the person becoming aware of their dreaming, he or she continues to dream by focusing on the dream and not letting the mind completely awaken.  

Symbolic dreams:

They are however cleverly symbolic, during our lives our dreams relate different things to provide a message, with elements that are brain can quickly process. For example playing a game of hangman, where you show symbols and reenactment to provide a picture for the word you want the people to guess.

Precognitive dreaming:

You must have said to yourself "Hey I've seen this somewhere" "I've been here before" that is called precognitive dreaming. Even though you are in the present, your dream has given you a faint impression of what might turn out to be – a piece from the future. Which, once the time comes, is very relatable.

Active dreaming:

You heard me right, you don't have to be asleep to dream, in fact it's quite easy to do. Not to be mistaken for daydreaming, this type of dreaming is called active dreaming. All it requires is an active imagination and persistent focus on the subject.

Dreams are mostly negative:

You might have noticed, most of the dreams that you do encounter during sleep tend to follow negative emotions. Namely, anxiety, anger, sadness and fear. You are less likely to find positive dreams.

Dreams are not mostly remembered:

You must know this better, you just can't seem to remember the specifics of your dream most of the time. According to study about 60% percentage of all dreams are forgotten after 5 minutes post waking up.

Toddlers don't dream:

  Toddlers up till the age of four cannot include themselves in their own dreams, and don't find themselves coming naturally either. Toddlers are not self-aware about themselves that is because of their less development of the brain since birth in order to dream more intense and deep. 

 You dream more than once:

Yes, an average human being has multiple dreams per night of various situations and intensities, but most often only the most deeply connected are remembered that to very faintly.

Faces around you matter:

You are prone to seeing the faces you have seen in your lifetime. Even though those faces can account to be in thousands, your dream is what relates something about that person with your subject of the dream.

Animals do dream:

If you thought only humans dream then that's not entirely correct. As research has shown that from dogs, to chimpanzees and many other mammal species dream just like humans do and equally as vivid.

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