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         The street lights flickered in the late evening darkness, the road and shops surrounding quiet as a tomb.    In the small hours of the morning nothing stirred, an eerie sense of peace cloaked the busy city as inhabitants snored their way towards morning alarms. 

Turning onto the road was a black Mercedes with darkly tinted windows.   It purred up the street, lights off as it stealthily pulled to the curb.   The occupant in the car smiled, his dark eyes scanning the area for signs of life.    Seeing none he stepped from the car, the smell of expensive leather wafting from the ice cold interior.  

Quickly he moved to the trunk, a wide brimmed fedora pulled low over his face, his long black trench coat seeming to blend him into the shadows.   Taking a last look about the deserted street he raised the trunk with fingers encased in dark gloves.   Smiling into the interior he said silkily..."This is the end of the road for you my cannot behave, so you must die..."

From the deep pocket of the trench coat flashed a syringe full of dark liquid, jammed quickly into a vein.   Eyes fastened on his victim he smiled again, vicious teeth sparkling in the dim light as captive took her last struggling breath.

Placing her on the sidewalk where she would be found he was careful.  Careful to adjust the ropes which bound her in the way he was well known for, careful to place her hands in a praying position on her chest. 

As he stepped back from his work and lowered the car trunk he sighed.   Another one not good enough.  Yet another disappointment.   Would he ever find the one?   The one who wouldn't question his right to rule them?  Disgusted now as he looked down upon the body he moved quickly to his car,  stepped in and drove away.   The search would begin again, as it had so many times previously.   

The police wouldn't find him...he was too careful for that.  He turned on a haunting version of the Phantom of the Opera.    Smiling once more as he drove away he hummed....for he was the Phantom of the Night....finding his Angel had proven difficult........

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