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Basic Information:

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Basic Information:

Name/Nickname: Ari

Species: Centaur

Age: 22 in human yeara

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Position: Submissive

Alignment: He doesn't really care. He's just in it for the money.


Height/Body type: Ari's body is above average. He works out daily and bests many easily in sparring matches. He works as a sort of mercenary / glorified retriever. He is hired to do a job and does it without remorse. His equine half his taught with muscles large and handsom below his unusually soft pelt. If you ask him why, he says there is nothing better than a rain of blood. It's best not to ask. He's a proud nine feet and looks like a pillar of a stallion. His strength isn't something to take too lightly though. He can easily carry a solid gold pillar and carry it for long periods of time. He knows many are much stronger than him, but he will always strive to be stronger.

Weight: 500 kg

Eye Color: Beautiful emerald shades of green

Hair Color/ Hair Type: His mane and tail are a rich mahogany brown with a rusty shimmer when sunlight bleaches over them.

Facial Features: The best way to describe them is relaxed. Sort of lazy. He has soft peach lips tinted in a sort of supple peach. 

Scars: His legs and back have a few, but none that are really visible. He's coat hides them all.

Body Marks: He has a pair of horns atop his head, long and sharp with the capabilities of magik.


Ari isn't too particularly impressed by humanity. He think's they are particularly lazy creatures that are beneath him when it comes to strength and intelligence.

Personality Traits:

>Good Traits: Kind, Creative, Charming, Assertive, Attractive, Charismatic, Flirty, Intellectual, Determined, Strong

>Bad Traits: A Little Perverted, Destructive, Temper, Impatient, Mischievous, Morbid Sense of Humor, Masochistic, Sadistic, A General Asshole with Legs

Likes: Cookies, Cooking, Reading, Art, Sleep, Energy Drinks, Fighting, Practicing magik

Dislikes: Onions- besides leeks, Cauliflower, Mushy Romance Movies [ie: "The Notebook"], The Female Body, When his magik goes Awry 

Hobbies: Cooking, Eating, Practicing Magik, Training, Sleeping, Reading

Talents: "I'm a magical fucking unicorn, literally."

Fears: "What if humans stop making ramen?!"


Relationship Status: Single Pringle Ready to Mingle


>"My coat keeps soft because when blood rains, it cleanses away all impurities."

>"Bite Me."


Languages Known: "I learned most of them and am in the process of learning others for fun."

Smoker? Yes

Drinker? "I do enjoy a good drink."

Drug User? "Fuck no."

Theme Song: "Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time."

Ari ~The CentuarWhere stories live. Discover now