ahmanet x male reader

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Y/n clutches his head in pain as he remembers ahmanet then he realized he is the reincarnation of ahmanet's lover then he realized he is ahmanet's lover so he decides to side with her then he notices nick has released ahmanet his lover from her tomb y/n hears her voice speak in his head saying y/n we will be together soon and y/n smiles and falls asleep meanwhile ahmanet is released from her sarcophagus and sucks 5 people dry and becomes whole and goes to y/n's house and enters his house and sees y/n watching TV he sees her and says I missed you ahmanet and ahmanet says I missed you to love and she says you got your memories of me back right love and y/n says yes ahmanet I got my memories of you back and I chose to side with you and ahmanet says thanks babe and y/n says no prob babe then they go to bed together and  they go to sleep and Mr. jackal comes to their house and tries to take ahmanet away from her lover but y/n wakes up kicks Mr. jackal from taking ahmanet away from him and kills Mr. jackal and says come on ahmanet we have to get out of here and ahmanet says okay and ahmanet says babe here she hands him sets dagger with the ruby in it and y/n says are you sure and ahmanet says yes babe and y/n stabs himself with the dagger and he becomes fused with set and set says in y/n's mind so you are ahmanet's reincarnated lover and you have the powers that i have since i fused with you and you are the perfect host and y/n and ahmanet escape prodisgum

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2019 ⏰

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