Author's Note

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This is just to let you know what this story is going to be

1) I can't promise happy endings. I don't plan out my stories. They are fluid and I'm not going to wrangle a sad mess into a happy ending's body. It is what it is.

2) I'm going to try to make character interactions realistic. That means I'm trying to stay away from cliches. Sorry guys, but there will be no love a first sight. I'm just not good at writing those types of stories.

3) My main character is black and medium height. I just wanted to see some diversity and I decided if there was a story out there I wanted to see, I had to write it. 

What you're not going to see. 

1) Romanticized abuse! This girl is not going to be happy if she is maltreated or treated like an object. I've seen and heard too many stories and authors making light of this. Maybe you don't see it as wrong, but it's not my cup of tea.

2)  If any sexism arises in this story, my character will react to it. This sort of refers to the line above--I'm not going to have my main shrug her shoulders at these type of big problems and do that "for the sake of love." Maybe it is your cup of tea, but it's not mine.

I said what I said, I meant what I meant, and I meant what I said

If this story is not your style, that's okay. You don't have to like everything, but these are the rules I'm going to try and stick to in my story. I'm probably not going to have regular updates, because this story is for fun, practice and general feedback. 

Anyway, have a good day and let's jump into the story. 

Author's note v.2:

If you are reading this past the date of 12/17/2022, then you will be, little by little, reading an updated version. I'm not changing the plot. At its core, everything will be the same. But as I've gotten older, I realized that I became better able to write the story as I always intended to write it. So there will be (thankfully) grammar edits, style edits, and aesthetic edits that I hope will enhance your reading experience. At the end of the day, I write for everyone who has ever read me.



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