The Jar

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When Ivy and I arrived back at my house we went up to my room and turned on Netflix. She was completely hooked on the show New Girl at the moment. And if she was watching it, that meant I was too. I stared at her as she religiously watched the show. Every time something funny happened, she would laugh. And it would make my heart flip. She is so fucking adorable.

"Oh my god Colton!" She yells and turns to look at me. She realizes I am already looking at her and I flash her a devilish smirk.


"We are making a douchebag jar like Schmidt!" She cheers getting out of my bed and searching around my room for something.

"Huh?" I asked amused at her sudden outburst. I was utterly confused.

She giggles, "Every time you say something douchey you have to put money into the jar."

I cock my eyebrow at her, "So if I were to say that I had a huge dick that would be a jar moment?"

"Yep!" She beams climbing back into bed after the unsuccessful finding of whatever she was looking for.

I laugh, "Well Ivy, you're gonna have a hard time getting me for this, I'm not very douchey!"

"Jar!" She screamed. Damn it.


When we woke up I couldn't move. My arm was dead asleep and there was a body literally on top of me. What the heck, Ivy?

I grinned before grabbing her ass gently and squeezing it letting her eyes flutter open. She musters out a low moan which made my dick tingle, "Ugh."

"Ivy, do you mind getting off of me?" I whisper.

She blinked a few times before letting her mind register what was happening. She blushes and I let out a small snort. "Sorry, I like to cuddle."

"No kidding, you koala."

She laughs before stuffing her face into the pillow, "It isn't fair that you've already made me blush and it's only- I actually don't know what time it is, but it's early."

I laugh, "It's almost six twenty in the morning, we gotta go to school Ives."

She groans before rolling back over to me, "Let's just stay here and cuddle."

"And miss the chance to tell everyone I finally grew balls and asked you out? Hell no! Get up, go home, and put something sexy on! I'll pick you up at seven!" I slap her ass before climbing out of bed to take a shower since I wasn't able to get one in last night.

I quickly clean myself before getting out and walking to my closet to pull something on to wear. I put on a pair of khaki shorts and a red SoHo high school football shirt that didn't smell too bad.

Once I was ready for school, I went downstairs to find my parents engrossed in a conversation at the island table. Once they noticed my presence they immediately stopped talking and looked toward me, "Good morning my favorite son," my mom said.

I laughed at her joke since I was her only son, "Morning."

"Did Ivy stay here last night?" My father asks in between bites of his oatmeal.

I nod, "Yeah. She went to get ready for school." I look around the kitchen to not see my annoying little sister around, "Where's Emma?"

My father looked at my mother with a sigh, "That Forest kid picked her up this morning to take her to get breakfast."

I chuckle while my mom puts her hand on his shoulder, "Garrett, honey, she's not a little kid anymore. She's sixteen. She's going to date."

He groans, "Jess, I don't want her to. She's my baby girl." I get up from my seat to let them finish their conversation about my little sister dating boys, which I'm totally against, by the way. I agree with my dad 100%.

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