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Ye I got tagged by KlanceIs-CanonKing haha (why)

So yeah 10 facts about my boring ace ass-

• I love pancakes. I love them. A lot. I love them like Dean Winchester likes pie. I . Love . Pancakes .

• I procrastinate a lot and some of you might think I like I procrastinate 24/7. No. I procrastinate just as much as I breath. Procrastination is probably half of the reasons why I have so many problems in my life

• It took me 3 days to get into Voltron hell (I'm not complaining)

• I fear falling in love

• I'm asexual (grey?) biromantic? Idk I'm confused

• I'm bilingual. I know four languages - Bengali (native language), English (obviously), Japanese (I grew up in Japan) and Hindi (i have no idea how I learnt that language tbh). Also I know bits of French, Spanish and Arabic.

• So I've came across many people who told me "oMg Ri You're sO nIce ILy!1!1" but believe me, I'm not even close to nice irl

• I wanna die but not like suicide ya know like I want an assassin to kill me in one of the most dramatic ways ugh

• Owl is my favourite bird

• I can't cook for shit. Like I set fire on a cake once. It was fun. But my aunt says it was horrible and that I should never even step in the kitchen. Idk why.

Welp, that would be all folks.

Imma tag few people cause eh I'm lazy and I don't wanna bother anyone-


Ahh, I'm too tired to tag more people so voila. No one is forcing you to actually do this. So yeah, don't pressure yourself, if you don't wanna do it, don't do it. It's okay.

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