The Vampire

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Halloween was easily one of my favorite holidays. A day where you can just pretend. A day where you can be whoever the hell you want to be without getting judged. You want to be a pizza? Go ahead. You want to be a cat? Okay, be basic and be a cat. On Halloween, you get to wear a real mask, a comic one, an obvious one, and not just the emotional one most of us put on for other holidays. A time when you can be truly happy and make kids piss their pants and not even get in trouble.

I stood in the mirror and looked at the outfit that Colton had bought me to wear to a party we would be attending. I mentally laughed at myself. You could tell my boyfriend picked it out from the tight material that hugged my curves and flowed into a dress. I was a vampire. I did one last twirl in the mirror, grabbed my purse, and headed over to Colton's house.

I immediately walked inside, not bothering to knock knowing that I was family. "Hey, Adams family!" I shouted in the foyer to announce my arrival.

"Hey Ivy," voices from the kitchen erupted. I smile and continue to walk up the stairs knowing that's where Colton would be. I had chosen a super cute outfit for him I think he will look hot in. You could probably guess it, it's really popular.

I walk into his room and see him standing in front of his mirror, flexing. My boyfriend ladies and gentlemen. "Babe, what are you doing?" I chuckle making him jump.

He blushed and turned towards me with a never-ending smile on his lips, "Hey beautiful. Just trying to make my body look a little toner since I'm not wearing a shirt tonight." I take a moment to study his outfit. He wore navy pants with a yellow stripe down the sides. He had red suspenders hanging off the sides of his pants with no shirt on, obviously. He was a fireman. A sexy one too.

I bit my lip trying to calm my hormones. He began to stare at me with a devilish look on his face as he crept closer to me. I took a step back cautiously, "Beware I will suck your blood if you come closer!"

He chuckled and kept walking towards me until my back hit the wall, "Baby, the only thing you suck is my dick." He motions to his pants making me immediately blush and think back to last weekend when we made love for the first time.

It was incredible. It was nothing like I had experienced before. It was unexpected and it kind of just happened. You know when it's time. No, I wasn't pregnant. I was sure of it. I was on birth control and we of course had used a condom. All is good!

The way he made me feel was extraordinary. I know get what everyone says about sex is like an addiction.

It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would, but maybe it's because we did foreplay. I'm so glad my first and hopefully last time was with the guy I spent the rest of my life with.

"Colton!" I sputtered and buried my face in my hands.

He chuckled and pried my hands apart, kissing my jaw, "I still can't get over how amazing it was."

My eyes twinkled at the thought of us making love over and over again, "good because it won't be happening until we are married!" I then walked out of his room, mentally high fixing myself for the amazing joke.

I walked downstairs and waited for Colton only to find Forrest and Emma sitting on the couch, cuddling. "Ivy! You look amazing!" Em gushed.

I raised my eyebrow, "Thanks! You look, well uh, like you." They hadn't dressed up. Such teenagers. Act like they can't have fun anymore since they think they are old. I'll get free candy till the day I die.

They both laughed, "We are handing out candy this year since Mom and Dad went out with a couple of friends," Emma told me.

I clapped my hands, "Bet! I'll go grab my candy bag!"

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