Chapter 1: Aftermath

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Chloe’s POV

I walked over to my car and came to a hold just in front of it. Fuck…Noah had seen it. Running in it would make me too easy to spot. I looked around the parking lot for something more suitable. A small red Toyota stood at the back of the motel. Dirt was caked on top of it, indicating that it hadn’t been used in a while. Good. I didn’t want any of the poor buggers that stayed here to have to miss their car.

I smashed in the window and climbed behind the wheel. I ripped of the panel underneath the steering wheel, reconnected the wiring, and tried to start the car. It just wheezed and died on me.


I threw my arms up in the air and walked towards the first shiny new car that came in sight. An expensive looking BMW. I bet its owner was some sleazy rich guy fucking a 17 year old in one of the motel rooms. Asshole.

Convincing myself that what I was doing the right thing, I smashed in its window and repeated the procedure. Thank God for Grandma teaching me how to steal cars. Hunter lesson nr. 15…rewiring.

The car started with a loud roar and I grinned. I reversed out of the parking lot and sped down the road to the interstate high way. I had no clue where I was going but I needed to be away from Noah as quickly as possible. I had very little money left and needed to get Nan to safety. Wherever that was. She would know what to do. At least the blood thirst was gone. So I was not going to suck her dry. One less problem to think off.

I’m sure not every vampire would like what I had done just now. There where bound to be side effects to taking out the core. When those kicked in, I wanted to be long gone. Before the vampires had a common enemy and would be united for once. In a hunt for me.

I glanced at my reflection in the car mirror and bared my fangs. I still thought of them as “they”. Not “we”. Despite my transformation.

Not Komar

Dravec appeared next to me in the passengers seat.

I glanced at his transparent form and frowned

He was right. I was transformed by his possession, not Komar’s. So I was vampire but not like them. I was male. They were female. I was not sure what that meant.

I looked down at my hands. Well, for starters…my fingers had claws. And Noah and the others also didn’t have the bone structure changes in their face.

Stronger. Male.

I nodded. For the majority of species the males were the more powerful sex. That would explain why I could beat Noah when Dravec took over. Noah had been the most powerful vampire in this dimension and I had had no trouble controlling him.


I glanced at his dark swirling mass. “What about Komar?”


“Why?” I asked surprised.

Worried. Komar alone. Lost.

I was stunned. The spirit could feel worry. Dravec cared about the female. They were further evolved than I originally thought.

“Okay. But first I need to eat. And make sure Nan is safe. I’m weak. Noah drank too much.”


“Yeah, I was afraid that you would say that.” I sighed.

“Suggestions for hunting grounds?”


“Dammit. Dravec…that means going into the Vampire Dimension.”

Powerful demon. Just one. Heal quickly.

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