Chapter 8

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A light buzzing comes from my phone as it does every morning telling me its time to get up, except this morning is unlike any other in a while because I was already wide awake before my alarm went off and additionally I woke with a smile on my face, remembering the events.

I couldn't have asked for a better night. Going out and letting loose with Jackson felt amazing and freeing, definitely something I wouldn't have done unless there was a reason to. Besides Millie and Archie aren't like that, and to be honest neither am I. We are more of the stay at home, order takeout and watch a movie kind of people.

Hopefully our spontaneous outing helped Jack begin to get over everything that happened between Carly and him. I would hate for him to be hung up over a girl who clearly didn't love him as much as he loved her. Then again I guess that's the sort of thing that happens in everyone's life at one stage or another. It's rare to find real, pure love.

I've never seen that kind of love, but I think the closest I've seen to it is Mason and Kelly. I know for a fact that she adores him and from what I saw last night he feels the same. It wouldn't surprise me if they were to be engaged within the next year or so.

The smile dropped from my face, being engaged to someone I love isn't even in the cards for me. Noah and I are far too different. He wants to control every aspect of his life including me, hence why he sent me away. Even though I've read the journal he kept over that year, he could have still done things differently. Love should have been what kept us together through anything not what drove us apart.

His actions last night surprised me but not as much as my own did. After everything I've put him through, leaving to go back to Pennsylvania without even saying a proper goodbye and giving him a good enough reason other than I have a job to go back to- a job that as of yesterday I'm not even sure I want anymore. I kissed him back. The kiss was more hungry and passionate. I could feel Noah's need radiating off of his lips onto mine.

My phone read 6:30 am and indicated I had an unread text message. It read;

I'm watching your every move bitch. Don't think I've forgotten about the pain you caused. Stay away from Noah before his sister gets more than a lucky shot to the stomach...the head sounds good to me right about now. And as for Alan, let's say he'll get what's coming to him.


It's been radio silence from Brooke over the last couple few months since Kelly was shot. The police have absolutely no idea where she is so why is she sending me this threat risking her location? To anyone else the message would scare them into telling the police or someone who can protect them but I have no one and I'm not scared. I can't tell Noah because that'll only put everyone else in danger.

I know Noah can take care of himself, he is in the position to have resources like bodyguards protecting him. Resources he can also give to his family, but the fact that Brooke was able to manipulate, threaten and deceive the McKenzie's before means I hold her to a higher standard of intelligence than anyone else I know. She plays the dumb blonde card but if she wants something she clearly stops at nothing to get it. I don't know what she has against Noah's father but I can't put him at risk. Noah, Jackson and Kelly can't afford to lose their father. They need him and I know how it feels to lose your parents.

As much as I wanted more from Noah, it's just impossible. We can't be together and it pains me to think of those I care about being put in danger again if we try and make this work. Brooke is still out there somewhere, hiding out until she can have her revenge and I don't know why. She stole exactly what she wanted from me and she still won't leave me and the McKenzie family alone.

I pad downstairs and into the kitchen. It's early so I don't expect anyone to be awake but I really need a hot cup of coffee. I notice the kitchen light is on, "good morning Sophia." Mrs McKenzie said with a smile on her face. "It's so good to see you, how have you been darling?" She walked over and embraced me in a hug.

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