The Graduation

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You know they say you do better with school if you have someone to help motivate you. Ivy has been my motivation since I started school. She has always been there for me through the good grades and the bad. She forces me to do my homework and study even though I just want to play Madden Football or Fortnite. And I love her for that.

She made me become the best that I could be.

As I sit listening to these never-ending speeches from these people I don't care about, all I can think about is her. She helped me become an honor graduate, along with her. She told me that cheaters finish last, and let me say, it's true. I cheated on one of my precalculus tests a few years ago. Ended up making a sixty-five and got a huge kiss from karma by getting a flat tire, falling in the mud, and a bunch of irrelevant things.

Ever since then, I started focusing on school. If I wanted to be a student-athlete at a big-name school, I would have to be one of the best. And here I am. Ready for it.

Not to be cocky or anything, but yes. I am one of the best. Because I made myself become the best.

At our graduation, the honor graduates sat in front of the other graduates so we would graduate first. I peek at the people sitting next to me with at least ten cords around their necks and metals that hit together making the most annoying sound. I look down at myself and see only three. I wish I would have done more than just football.

Ivy had at least ten around her neck as well. Show off. She was involved with everything around the school. Everyone knows her. And that is why she is our valedictorian.

As she spoke up there at this moment I couldn't find myself to focus. I was very proud of her and her accomplishments. I was so busy thinking about how much I loved my girlfriend that I couldn't even listen to her speak in front of the hundreds of people surrounding us.

I was in deep man. And I was in it for life. I had everything planned out for our future.

Propose to her at the last football game of our senior year at the University of Georgia. Get married after we graduate. Start graduate school possibly if she decides to continue her education while I go pro. Start a family. Begin OUR life together as one.

All I want is for her to be Mrs. Ivy Adams. I don't want anything else in the world.

"Thank you, everyone, and congrats to all of the graduates. We did it!" I hear a burst of cheers are heard throughout the room. She walks back to her seat smiling at me in the process.

Since my last name was Adams, I would be one of the first students to graduate in our class. I was second in line right after a girl named Amanda Acworth. We were ushered to stand and were led to the stand where a man would read our names as we walked across the stage.

They called the first girl's name and then I handed the man my card waiting for my name to be called. "Colton Gray Adams." He spoke. I grinned and walked with a purpose to receive my diploma as cheers were heard through the auditorium. I'm blessed to have so many supporters.

I grab the diploma in my left hand and shake our principal's hand with my right. I thank the administrators and raise my diploma in the air letting everyone see it. "I did it," I tell myself, "I graduated."

I see Ivy coming up in a few students. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was a dream come true. She looked at me and smiled. She was so excited. "I love you," I mouth to her.

She grinned, "I love you too."

The announcer calls her name and I cheer as loudly as I can, "That's my girlfriend!" The people around me chuckled and I watched her receive her diploma like the rest of us.

The rest of the ceremony went by as a blur. I was too busy looking at the diploma. I did it. I can't believe I graduated high school. I can't believe I get to get started on my future now.

As we walk out of the auditorium I immediately find Ivy and kiss her like I had never before. She pulls back a minute later and giggles against my chest, "What was that for?"

"I'm just so proud of you," I truthfully tell her.

Our parents find us a few minutes later and we take a million pictures to remember the moment. This would be one of the happiest days of my life. We head home and are greeted by all of my family in the house. They threw me a graduation party. I thank everyone and celebrate the milestone for a few hours before running off somewhere secretive with Ivy.

I sit her down on my bed and just stare at her. "Did you summon me for another booty call Adams?" She tells me and raises her eyebrow at me.

"No not right now at least." I laughed and stood up. "Okay turn around for a quick second." I went to grab the present for her that was hidden somewhere she would never find it.

I walked back over to her and she tried to turn around, "Babe no, no peeking!"

I stretched my hands out in front of her and placed the jewelry around her neck. I heard her gasp and she quickly got up to look in the mirror, "Colton, it's beautiful."

It was a white gold solitaire pendant. My mother's pendant. I smiled at her, "It was my mother's. They wanted me to give it to you for graduation. They want it to be a tradition in the family," I tell her.

She continues to stare at the necklace, "It's beautiful, thank you." She turns around and kisses me gently before resting her head on my chest.

"She got it the day of her graduation as well. But, it was also her birthday, but doesn't matter. I wanted to give it to you for everything you've accomplished. I'm proud of you, Ivy."

"And I'm proud of you, Colton. I couldn't have done any of this without you."

I kiss her deeply and lay her on her back on my bed. We continue to make out until I hear the words, "Ivy, Colton, where are you?" Coming from downstairs.

I groan and get off of her and help her straighten her dress out. I kiss her once more before sighing, "Only fifty more days until move-in day."

"God I can't wait," she murmurs against my lips.

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