Chapter 14

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"Yeah... no chance," I laughed. "I won't have you sponging off of me for the rest of your life. Lazy bastard," I joked.

"Oh come on! Look at this place. It's my dream apartment!"

I gave him a slap on the back, "then you best start working harder for that promotion."

"Can I at least stay here twice a week?" Jace gave me puppy dog eyes I couldn't refuse.

"Once a week," I told him. It'll be nice to have the company. I'm not sure if I'm ready to be completely on my own just yet.

"Fine..." he huffed.

Jace and I spent most of the afternoon running boxes from his truck up to my apartment. It was exhausting but it needed to be done. Once the first load of my stuff was taken into the apartment Jace and I headed back to Millie and Archie's to get the rest.

I knocked on the door of the apartment not wanting to use my key. Somehow it felt wrong to use the key now that I don't officially live anymore. Even though I haven't even spent my first night at my new place that apartment felt like home.

Millie came hobbling to the door and on her baby bump and let us in. She then went back to the couch to sit down as she says standing for too long makes her tired.

We packed the last of my boxes into the truck and I took a last look around the room that I had been staying in over the past year. All that was left in the room was the flat packed furniture I had purchased for the baby.

I heard Millie's voice from the other room, "um guys."

I rushed into the living room, "you okay?"

"I think the baby's coming!" She said in a panicked voice.

I tried to remain as calm as possible while fumbling with my phone. Inside I was panicking just as much as Millie. I don't know how any of this works!

I dialled Archie's number and passed the phone to Jace. "Get him here now!"

Millie started to breathe heavy like she was having a panic attack, "its okay calm down. Everything will be fine. Where's your phone?"

She pointed to the table while clutching her stomach. I dialled the emergency services and explained the situation.

Jace reentered the room shortly after, "he's on his way."

I nodded and went back to Millie. I'm definitely no expert but I've heard that you should make a pregnant woman feel as comfortable as possible so I retrieved a cold cloth and placed it on Millie's forehead and tried to soothe her.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I'm okay. I just want this birth to be as quick as possible. I can't wait to meet her...or him!" She grinned but then winced in pain. It wasn't long until Archie finally arrived at the apartment.

"Where is this damn ambulance?" Archie's voice sounded in the hallway. Within seconds he appeared by Millie's side.

Archie sat by Millie's side, he was holding her hand and stroking her hair. Everyone in the room was so focused on Millie's condition but all I could focus on was Archie's emotion. His face showed that he was terrified. Within a matter of hours he would be a father and by the look on his face that was going to take some adjustment.

There was a knock on the door. Two paramedics walked in and went straight to Millie's side. It only took around 15 minutes for them to check her over and move her into the ambulance. Jace and I followed Archie outside to the ambulance. He hopped in next to his girlfriend and I handed him her hospital bag filled with clothes and toiletries.

"We'll meet you at the hospital," I told Archie.

He shook his head, "no Soph. It could be a while until she actually gives birth. As soon as the baby is coming I'll call you. Okay?"

I nodded. As much as I wanted to be there I couldn't disrespect his wishes. He has asked me to stay away until the baby is actually coming and even though I don't know why he must have his reasons.

Jace and I watched as the ambulance pulled away down the street, I turned to him, "back to moving I guess."

We moved the last of my boxes into my new apartment and started to unpack a few essentials. Jace worked on putting my bed back together while I focused on unpacking some of my kitchen utensils. Little by little the apartment started to come together and most of my boxes were unpacked within 3 hours.

I had still not heard anything from Archie which worried me but also reassured me. He'd call if something was wrong, right?

"What shall I do with these boxes?" Jace asked as he was standing next to four large brown boxes.

"Those were supposed to stay at Millie's," I said.

"Oh oops." He shrugged. "I'll take them back." He lifted one of the boxes and walked to the door.

"I'm nearly done here. I'll come with you. Besides I kind of wanted to build those and have the room set up for when the baby comes home."

After a few hours, we finally had the crib, changing station and a couple of other things I had purchased all set up in the baby's room. I had also planned on giving the room a lick of paint before the baby moved in but unfortunately, we had to drop everything when Archie gave me a call.

"It's go time..." His voice sounded shaky on the other end of the phone.

"I'll be there soon." I hung up and Jace and I raced to his truck. We managed to avoid any evening traffic and reached the hospital as quickly as we could. Millie had been taken to a hospital across town which meant that it still took around half an hour to reach.

It took a while to finally find where Millie was because the reception staff were useless. Finally, after searching for what felt like an eternity, we found the room Millie was in. I knocked gently on the door and walked inside. The sight I saw when I walked into that room was magical and tears welled in my eyes. Millie sat, looking exhausted on the hospital bed. Archie was to her right and in his arms laid a beautiful baby boy.

I walked over slowly, absolutely stunned at the beautiful baby who was peacefully asleep in his father's arms. "He's gorgeous," I told Millie and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Congratulations.

"Would you like to hold your godson?" Archie walked over to me with the sleeping baby in arms.

"You want me to be his godmother?"

"Of course," they both smiled and I sat down on the end of the hospital bed. Archie passed me the baby and he snuggled into my arms.

I noticed Jace standing awkwardly in the doorway and gestured for him to come and say hello to the baby. "Have you named him yet?"

"We have a few in mind but we aren't set on one yet." Archie said, "we've got plenty of time, his name has to be perfect. Which reminds me..." He pulled a small box from his pocket and knelt down by Millie's bedside. "Millie from the moment I first saw you I knew that you were the love of my life and I wanted to spend eternity with you. You are the mother of our beautiful son which means there's only one thing left to do to make us a proper family. Will you marry me?"

"I love you so much..." Tears fell from her eyes as she reached for her fiancé.

"Is that a yes?" He buried his head in the crook of her neck as they hugged.

"Of course its a yes!" She squealed and cried a little harder.

I looked down at the baby in my arms, "did you hear that buddy you're parents are going to get married." The baby cooed a little which we all interpreted as his exclamation of happiness. I fell in love with my godson from the moment I laid my eyes on him which means that I am going to be the best godmother he will ever have.

My heart warmed a little when Millie said that I am going to be his godmother because they are my family. It doesn't matter that we aren't blood-related because to me family is the people who are there for you no matter what. Having met Millie and Archie at the time I did, having them take me in and giving me a place to stay shows a true family, one that I have always wanted.  

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