Part 1

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"Well another shitty year," thought Taehyung as he was sitting in his living room watching tv. tomorrow was new years eve and honestly, he was relieved that he didn't get an invite to go to a party.

Every year, one of his friend's hosts some stupid new years party with this dumb tradition that when the clock strikes twelve, the lights turn off and everyone kisses the person closest to them. Taehyung always thought this was stupid. Every year the exact, same, thing. He would always just watch as his friends make out with some dumb chick that wore skimpy clothing. This year it would probably be different because he had a girlfriend, but regardless of that, the party would always be filled with people he didn't like.

He was casually finishing the episode when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket.

hey babes, wanna do something tomorrow? It's new years after all.

Taehyung sighed upon seeing who the text was from.


His reply was cold.

Taehyung liked his girlfriend, he did, but he just couldn't help but find her annoying at times. He didn't like how clingy she was and she would always be scared to do the things Taehyung wanted to.

Ok to be honest maybe he doesn't really like her.

He would dump her, but all his friends say that she makes him a "better person" so he keeps her around. He didn't wanna hang out with her, but he had nothing better to do so he decided hanging out with her is better than sitting in bed alone.

oh, ok then haha, what do you wanna do?

Taehyung could hear her irritating voice coming through the text. He didn't feel like replying so he just left the message, mentally noting to text her back.

Just as he was about to put his phone down, he felt a vibration followed by a series of ringing.

"Please don't be a party invite, please," He mentally cursed to himself realizing it was Jimin who was calling.

Jimin, the famous park Jimin was calling him. Jimin was famous for his new year's eve parties and Taehyung was a hundred percent sure that that's what he was calling about. Taehyung could have just ignored the phone call but Jimin was his closest friend and he felt bad just leaving him and not answering. So he did it.

Taehyung answered the phone.

"Heyy Taeee, guess what day it is tomorrow?" Jimin seemed awfully excited.

"Hi Jimin and please, don't remind me of what day it is tomorrow," Taehyung was uninterested in the conversation.

"Awee why, are you sad because you've never been kissed on new years eve?" Jimin was mocking Taehyung.

"Ok, Jimin no one asked and what do you want? I'm already sick of talking to you," Taehyung was ready to hang the phone up on him, but he gave him a chance.

"Taehyung you know the drill, my house, the party starts at nine and obviously lasts til twelve. Maybe you could bring your girlfriend, then you might not be alone when the lights go out," Jimin laughed as Taehyung gritted his teeth through the phone. Taehyung loves jimin, but he was getting on his nerves at this point.

"Jimin I love you and it's funny if you think I'm coming," Taehyung smile at his response. Jimin's smile dropped, but obviously, Taehyung couldn't see.

"Taehyunggg, you have to come if you don't come I'm not having the party," Jimin was being whiny. He knew Taehyung didn't like coming to the party, but it felt wrong not having him there.

"Jimin, I hate everyone there and you know they hate me back so why do I have to come?" Taehyung found it pointless for him to go, he didn't understand why Jimin had to have him there.

"Taehyung, the only person that doesn't like you is Jungkook and besides, what do you guys have against each other anyway?"

Jungkook. Even his name brought the feeling of disgust into Taehyung.

"He's just a bitch okay? He doesn't know right from wrong and his presence irritates me," Taehyung was getting angry, he despised this Jungkook guy.

"Ok if you reaaaally don't want to come you don't have to but, just know that my new years won't be as good as it usually is," Taehyung knew what Jimin was doing. He was trying to guilt trip him into going and Taehyung would be lying if he said it wasn't working. He was trying so desperately to say no but the words just wouldn't form in his mouth.

"Fine, I'll come but you better tell that jeondick to not get in my way and I'm bringing my girlfriend," Taehyung said as he heard Jimin's voice lighten up as he spoke.

"Thank youu Taehyungie, thank you so much see you tomorrow!" Jimin finished as he hung up the phone.

Ugh. There were no words in any language that could describe the hate Taehyung had for Jungkook. The boy just irritated him and there was nothing he could do to make it better. Every year he would be at the party with his cocky smile, talking to some girls that he must've thought were good looking or some shit. He would always just flirt with them and it was so evident, so evidently irritating. All any of the girls would talk about where Jeon Jungkook. After the party, he would leave with at least two of them and run off to god knows where. Jungkook just has the personality of a shitty person. He is the definition of a shitty person and Taehyung wasn't in the mood to see him.

Taehyung decided that he should leave the rest of his disgust for tomorrow's party. He then realized that he made another stupid mistake, telling Jimin he was gonna bring his girlfriend.

"Tomorrows really gonna suck ass isn't it?" he thought as he took his phone out to text his girlfriend.

He sighed before typing words.

Hey, wanna go to Jimin's party tomorrow night @ 9:00?

He honestly regrets agreeing to go.

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