Chapter 20

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"She's definitely in there?" I asked Noah as we sat outside a dive bar in New York watching drunks stumble inside. Sitting no less than 50 metres most likely at the bar getting drunk is the woman who made my life a living hell over the last 2 years. But still all through that Noah and I are stronger than ever and sitting in this car right now proves it.

Noah reached over for my hand, brought it up to his lips and kissed it. Noah them reached for the door handle and opened it slightly, "I better go." He tried to step out of the car but I pulled on his arm making him sit back down. "What?"

"I...I was just thinking. Maybe, I don't know... maybe I should go in there and speak to her instead."

"No. Not happening," Noah tried to pry his arm from my grip to step out of the car.

I sighed, "we agreed to fight this together, Noah. You can't keep doing things on your own. Either we are a team or we aren't it's your call." I let go of his arm and sat back in my seat folding my arms across my chest. I was being childish and I knew it but being with a man like Noah who is so set in his ways is difficult.

He pulled the door closed and turned to face me, I refused to look at him. "I won't let you go in least not alone. She's unstable, we don't know what she might do."

"She's human Noah what could someone in her condition do? The agent you hired to follow her for the last week told us that all she's been doing is drinking and sleeping and visiting the same corner shop every day. She isn't in a stable frame of mind right now, you were right about that but I'm sorry you're wrong about this. She won't do anything, not in such a public place."

"You are not going in there alone. End of story."

"I love you Noah but..." I touched my hand to his cheek, "I think this is something I have to confront her about without you being a constant reminder of her past standing over us."

"You can't ask me to sit here while you're in that bar talking to a woman who has threatened you."

"I'm not asking you to stay in the car. I'm just asking you to keep back, stay out of sight. Let me talk to her. I know I'm not a friendly face to her but I may appear friendlier than you. She's in love with you Noah, she always has been. "

"That's more of a reason for me to be by your side!" He was getting more and more frustrated, his fingers combed through his hair over and over again, when he wasn't pulling at his hair his knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel.

"You're unbelievable," I laughed and leant across the console giving him a peck on his lips. "Let's go."

It was Noah's turn to hold my arm keeping me in the car, "I'm coming with you?" He asked as if he was shocked he had got his own way.

I shrugged, "I guess someone has to stop me from slapping that stupid grin off her face."

Noah let out a low chuckle and then followed me out of the car towards the entrance. Before we entered I made sure Noah and I were in agreement that I would do the talking and he would step in if he thought necessary- which will more than likely be a lot.

Hand in hand Noah and I walked in and I immediately felt out of place, a few heads turned in our direction, looked us up and down and the scoffed. Clearly, they knew that this wasn't a place Noah wasn't familiar with, but then again neither was I. Noah's Armani suit caught many of the customer's attention as they eyed our every move. I hope we can get in, get the information we need and get out as quick as possible.

We made our way past the beer stained wooden tables and I could feel the alcohol sticking my shoes to the floor. Every step I took deeper into the bar pushed me further and further out of my comfort zone. Ever since my father's alcohol and gambling problems I refused to step into a place like this with the fear that I'd end up the same as him. Of course, I appreciated a drink here and there and occasionally got drunk on special occasions like my birthday but that was always in a place that I felt comfortable, a place I didn't fear would turn me into my father.

Our Secret [Completed]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz