Chapter 21

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"Tell us what's happened," I tried but Brooke frantically shook her head back and forth.

"No...he...he's watching us!" She screamed and continued to shake as she was going through withdrawal. I clutched her hand tight as a sign of reassurance that she can trust us. That she can trust me.

"Who's watching us, Brooke?" I pressed forward.

"I've already told you, Bradley is always watching! He doesn't let me out of his sight," as if on cue her phone rang. Brooke's eyes were immediately drawn to her phone which buzzed across the table. She picked it up, her hands still shaking although I couldn't work out if that was from her withdrawal or her nerves. She answered it and put it on loudspeaker- although she turned the volume down so that it was barely audible.

"Where are you, sis?" Brad's concerned voice came through the phone but all I could feel towards hearing him for the first time in a long time was disgust. It's all an act. He isn't concerned with anyone but himself, he doesn't care about his sister otherwise he wouldn't have treated her the way that he does. And he definitely wouldn't be out to get Alan if he really cared about his family- Alan is his father for crying out loud!

"I'm at the bar..." she tried to speak as normally as possible but there was still a clear shake in her voice. "Where I normally am."

"Alone I hope."

She paused for a second but then lied, "yes, of course."

"Well hurry back. Dinner needs to be on the table by seven and I'm having guests over. Make extra." Noah and I both looked at each other in shock and then I quickly check my watch. It's half past five. I'm sure Brooke told us that she didn't know where Brad was staying.

"Of course brother," she addressed him in a formal way and then he ended the call.

Noah folded his arms across his chest, "care to explain?"

"I don't know where he is, I swear!" Brooked began to get defensive and frantic and in turn agitated once again.

"Bullshit!" Noah called her out. "Do you think we're that stupid, we heard the fucking phone call. Now where the fuck is he!""

I shuffled so that I was further into Noah's line of sight and mouthed 'calm down' to him. He eased off a little. "Brooke?"

"I swear I have no idea where he is, Sophia. I prepare food in plastic tubs and someone comes to collect it. If it's not ready by half past six when the man comes to collect it..." she trails off and refuses to speak any more about it. Moments later she finally speaks again, "I want to go home."

I can tell that Noah is about to protest but before he can I nod and walk her out of the room. "C-can I have my..."

"We are going to get you help, you won't be needing it," I said referring to the syringe in my bag. Although she doesn't know it's in there which means that it's where it'll stay.

"Sophia...please you don't understand."

"I understand better than you think," I pull her into an embrace. "My father was an alcoholic, he did drugs too. I saw how it affected him. You can still come back from this. This addiction doesn't define you." Brooke hugged me back after an awkward few seconds of me hugging her, "we're here to help you."

"I want your help, I do but it's not that easy. He'll never let me get help. You don't understand," she suddenly pushed away from me and bolted down the long corridor back to the main area of the bar. I chased after her but by the time I reached the bar she was gone. Noah who was hot on my heels stopped me before I had a chance to walk into prying eyes.

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