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Once upon a time there was a beautiful queen. There was something about this queen that nobody knew though. Her handsome husband didn't even know this about her. Her deepest darkest secret was that she had once made her now-daughter an orphan. She had made sure nobody knew. She had killed her daughters parents so that Her Majesty would have the baby that everyone knew was going to be even more gorgeous than the queen herself. The baby's name was Marjorie.

Her Majesty had killed Marjorie's parents than took her. She had replaced Marjorie with her own child which she had murdered as well. Once the villagers figured out that Marjorie parents were dead they would assume that Marjorie was as well. The baby was so hideously mangled and bloody that no one could identify who the child was.

That was the queen's secret that nobody knew. She raised Marjorie as her own, so she could have the beautiful baby all to herself. Marjorie had everything that every girl -young and old- wanted. She was very very beautiful -of course- , even at a young age she had a beautiful singing voice -it was like honey, silky and smooth- , and of course there was the title. Marjorie's older brother -her adopted one of course- , Charlie, loved her so much. Every girl in the kingdoms boundaries -and further- was deeply in love with him. Marjorie and Charlie were best friends, even though there was a two year age difference.

One day they were out in the royal gardens, it was located inside the palace walls, and they could see a blizzard coming, right over the kingdom.

"We need to go back inside Marj!" Charlie said worried.

"Can we please stay out for just a minute!" Marjorie pleaded, working her charm, "I just want to see it come closer. We can go in after it goes across the walls. Please?"

"Fine but only until it comes across the walls. And then we go straight back inside."

There was a pause.

"Charlie have you ever noticed?"

"Noticed what?"

"You, Mother, and Father all look almost exactly alike. You all have black hair, almost black eyes, pale skin. That had been going on for generations. What do I have? Red hair, light blue eyes, and very tan skin."


"Doesn't that seem a little odd?"

"A little. But Mother explained, remember, your complection would not have been good enough without your unexplainable hair and eyes."

"I know but isn't it strange? They said that when I was baby I looked just like you, Mother, and Father. I don't think it's possible to change hair colors. Oh! And they said that I was the ugliest baby they had ever seen but then one day... Boom! I'm beautiful! How does that happen?"

"I don't know, Marj. Maybe-" Charlie started.

"And then there was this family murdered in one of the small villages, also the same day that I became perfectly beautiful, the whole young family was murdered. They say that the baby was so hideously stabbed in the face that they couldn't identify who the baby really was! And she had the same name I have, and that Father's mother has. Marjorie!" She exclaimed.

"Here comes the storm. Back inside now. Your nurse will be wondering where you are."

"Why won't Mother ever wonder where I am? You think she would be more protective of her children but-"

"She is protective. She doesn't let us outside these walls ever!" Charlie said as they rushed back into the stone walls that was housing them.

"Oh goodness! You must be freezing!" A maid exclaimed as she rushed them to the fire, "Your as cold as ice! What were you thinking being out there in that storm? It's going to be a blizzard in a few mere minutes."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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