Chapter 22

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We were about to walk into a building completely foreign to me; the police station- the place where my boyfriend is being held. Noah has been in there for a little over 6 hours while Kelly and I have tried everything we can to have him released. Alan even represented Noah as his lawyer but they refuse to release him until they know if Ashley Clay is going to press charges or not but things just don't add up.

Noah is a millionaire and an influencer- I know that doesn't mean he can take the easy route but surely having money could make this situation less severe? Heck, even people without money are released after a few hours if they co-operate.

Kelly approached the front desk bypassing the other civilians sitting in the waiting room of the police station while I hung back a little letting her do her magic. Kelly was the one to talk to the silver-haired woman sitting behind the large computer screen, "Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to Officer Green."

The older woman peered up over the top of her wireframes, "I'm afraid today is Officer Green's day off."

"Oh yes of course. How silly of me!" Kelly shot her a toothy smile, "I wanted to surprise her you see....for her birthday I guess I'll just wait until tomorrow when she is back," Kelly turned around and took a step towards the door.

"Wait!" The officer called after Kelly, "she is usually at her other job on her day off."

Kelly threw me a smirk and a wink as she turned back around making light conversation with the woman behind the desk once again. Within a matter of minutes, we were back on the sidewalk hailing a yellow taxi.

The taxi stopped a couple of blocks from the police station outside a small café I recognised all too well. It was the coffee shop I had eaten lunch at the last time I was in New York for business with Dominic and it's where I saw Jackson for the first time after a few months of being in Pennsylvania.

The bell above us chimed as we pushed open the door and stepped into the homely coffee shop with only a couple of customers seated under the window. Behind the counter stood an older man who was fiddling with the coffee machine clearly having trouble with the appliance.

"I'll be with you in two seconds," he called over to Kelly who told him to take his time and that we aren't in a rush. The older man scurried out to the back of the shop and returned a couple of moments later with a younger woman who I remembered from my last time here as she had served me.

The woman spotted Kelly and I who were sat by the door and walked over with a small notepad and pencil in hand. "Hey Li," Kelly stood and hugged the waitress. "This is-"

"Cheese and cucumber sandwich girl, I remember," she joked and extended her hand out towards me. "You must be Sophia...I'm Lia," she grinned and instead of shaking her hand I pulled her in and wrapped my arms around her.

"It's so good to meet you," I hugged her for a second more before pulling away. It felt good to finally meet the woman who helped Noah put Bradley away, even if it was pointless as he's back out there again. I've wanted to meet Lia for months but I never had the courage to ask Noah.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"We kind of need your help-" Kelly said but was cut off by Lia.

"If this is about Noah's arrest I already know...and there's nothing I can do to help you."

"There must be something you can do."

Lia shook her head, "there isn't. I risked my whole career trying to put Brad away. And because I endangered your life, Kelly, I was suspended for six months. I've only just been given access to cases again." Lia sat down in a chair opposite me and shrugged. "All of the work I put into the case to get Brad locked away was useless, he's been released and there's nothing I can do."

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