Bathroom Play

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The cherry vodka I chugged a few minutes ago finally started to kick in.

I was dancing in the packed, dimly lit basement of some random senior's house. We had all just came from our homecoming dance. I was wearing a tight black mini skirt, a black lace bra, a bomber jacket, and big hoops of course. My long dark brown hair was sleekly parted down the middle but became wild as I danced to the loud music.

My friends and I continued to pass the vodka around until I was completely gone. The weight of all my worries and insecurities vanished as a whole other side of me came out. I moved my hips to the beat and started grinding with my best friend. Bella and I are were like sisters but very touchy. She was a dancer, so what can I say? In the middle of us rubbing our bodies on each other, whipping our hair, and singing in each other's faces, I made eye contact with him.

I didn't think he would be here.

He hadn't gone to many social events since freshman year. A rumor went around that it had something to do with his parents divorce.
If you're wondering who "he" is, his name is Aiden, the boy I've had a crush on since middle school. Aiden was probably around 6 ft and had a toned body, even though he stopped playing sports around the same time he stopped going out freshman year. He always wore sweats and loved to wear his hood up. Peeking out from under his hoodie was his scruffy brown hair and piercing blue-green eyes.

I continued my slow movements but felt a burning desire and ache for him in my core.

Wow, alcohol must really make me horny.
He continued to watch me while I kept taking glances at him every now and then.

This is what we did.

Ever since I can remember we had always caught each other's eye. I knew it wasn't in my head because there had been numerous times I had seen him looking at me, though I avoided him like the plague.

He was so hard to read.

Aiden had a lot of friends and everyone wanted to be around him because he was so effortlessly funny and cool. However, he liked to keep to himself.

I had one class with him first period and I hated and loved it at the same time. It took everything in me not to look at him and be so obvious. In that class, he sat by the window all sad and lonely looking. I knew he was really smart because every time the teacher called on him thinking he wasn't paying attention, Aiden stated the answer without even blinking. I couldn't help but feel his pain after noticing such a big change in his personality over the years. It made me want to understand him more.

As Bella starting twerking on me, I looked around one more time only to see the spot he had been standing at was empty. Frowning to myself, I took this opportunity to head to the bathroom. The room was shaking as I dragged my feet to the closest door.

I stepped inside and turned on the harsh light but regretted it instantly. I leaned over the sink and fixed my makeup. My black winged liner and lashes were still in tact, but I had to reapply my lipgloss. For being drunk as hell, I had to admit I looked good. I hadn't realized that at some point in the night my jacket had unzipped and my full breasts were spilling out my lace bra. As I went to adjust them, I heard a knock on the door.

I opened the door and made out a tall, dark figure wearing a hoodie. He walked right in and turned off the lights before I could get a good look.

The man pushed me against the wall and brought his head down to my ear and said, "I've wanted you for so long". In an instant, I knew it was him. It was Aiden. My heart rate quickened and I felt my nerves fighting the alcohol.

I asked him, "Aiden?"

He said "You've been trying to tempt me, haven't you? You're a very naughty girl", in a deep husky voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2019 ⏰

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