Chapter 24

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Willow told me I had to act normal and act as if I didn't know that my psychotic ex-boyfriend is related to the very people I now work for. We did a little more digging after we finished lunch, making sure to use the free WIFI at the cafe so our research couldn't be tracked and then I headed back up to the office expecting Dominic to be in the same position he was when I left him. I said goodbye to Willow as we parted ways when she left the elevator and I walked down the long, unusually silent corridor to our office. The door was open for a change and a note was plastered on the front which caught my eye as I stepped in.


I'm sorry about earlier. I've decided to leave early and get some help with my drinking. I may not be back for a couple of weeks please take on all responsibilities that are mine.


The note was written in a different handwriting, clearly written by the receptionist at the front desk and it was obvious Dominic was far too drunk to leave me the note himself. Maybe he was forced to leave by his father? There's no way he would have chosen to leave on his own accord. Maybe his father told him to leave and is sending him to rehab because he's clearly an alcoholic. I remember the first time I learned of his drinking. It was when we were in New York for the story about hacking in colleges and he tried to come onto me.

Even though I know about who these people really are it still doesn't explain why it's kept a secret that Dominic is part of the Quinn family. He goes by a different surname at work as if he is ashamed of who he is, well that's how I thought of it at first but now I'm starting to think there's a larger issue to this. I'm slowly but surely starting to piece things together, from Willow saying that something about the way the business is run doesn't add up to Bradley's true identity being a Quinn.

I walked deeper into the office and passed Dominic's desk to walk to my own, as I sat down in my chair it suddenly felt wrong. He wasn't here and for however long he's out I'll be filling in for him. I picked up my laptop and walked over to Dom's desk that was positioned in the centre of the wall looking out to the rest of the office. His chair felt like it was made for me and I felt myself mould into the seat. I noticed there was a partial article on his desk, one that had the deadline written in bold red pen at the top as tomorrow. The article was only a third written when I checked our shared drive and dived straight in. Time had flown by and by the time I'd finished and torn my eyes away from the screen I'd realised it was dark outside and I'd stayed far later than expected.

Some office lights were still shining which meant that there were some employees still in the building and it hadn't surprised me in the slightest, I knew what I was getting myself into when I applied for this job, it's a very demanding industry especially when the newspaper is printed every other day with new stories. It's a race that doesn't have an end.

I left the building and stepped onto the chilly street, I wrapped my thick coat around me further as I set off down the road to my apartment. It wasn't too far but I found myself walking quicker and quicker trying to get home. It was dark outside and the only street lights were few and far apart. I could hear footsteps behind me but I didn't dare look back, it only makes things worse. In my head the person whose footsteps I can hear behind me is going to try to rob me or abduct me, that's why I won't look back. My mind spirals and it makes things worse. It's like being at your apartment, home alone and a sudden thought comes into your mind and it is always there to freak you out. Maybe it's windy outside and there's a clatter that sounds like it's coming from outside your door. Instead of just accepting it is what it is; the wind, your mind will tell you that someone is trying to break in and kill you.

Regardless though, I pull out my phone from my bag and scroll through my recent missed calls, I click Jasmine's number realising she'd tried to get in touch with me.

"Hey," Jasmine's voice gives me comfort. "You just finished work?"

"Yeah, I'd say its a pain but it's what I love. I got to write an article that's being published in tomorrow's issue."

"That's awesome Soph, I'll read it online when it's up."

I laughed a little, "you don't have to, it's just about the so-called expensive beauty places in Pennsylvania versus the cheaper ones and which gives a better service."

"Obviously the branded one."

"You're wrong believe it or not. You can get the same service for a fraction of the price at somewhere like Molly's."

"I'll have to take your word for it because I'm not flying all the way to Pennsylvania to get a haircut and a manicure," she joked, her voice loud and clear on the phone but I still couldn't help but tune into the footsteps behind me, they sounded closer than ever now. My heart rate picked up, the pounding of feet on the ground grew closer and closer until they were beside me. I whipped my head to the right and watched as a woman in running gear sped past me with a mumbling of the words excuse me as she passed. "You still with me?"

"Yeah sorry I'm here, I just almost had a heart attack. A woman ran past me and I freaked out because I thought I was being followed," I told her and Jasmine laughed.

"You almost home?"

"Yeah I just got here, one sec," I said and wedged my phone between my ear and my shoulder to keep it in place while I punched in the code to the main door and rode the elevator to my floor. Jasmine and I continued to chat and she made me promise that I'd skype her tomorrow, we hadn't seen each other in a long time and it was one of the only ways other than phone calls that we could chat.

I had my handbag in one hand and my bag with my laptop in the other, my phone was still on my shoulder as I fumbled with the key to unlock my door. "You having a bit of trouble there?" Jasmine joked as I cursed my keys for being the wrong way around.

"Shut up," I laughed as I finally opened the door. I placed my bags down in the dark hallway and switched on the small lamp that was on the table to the right of the door. As I did I felt my phone being lifted from my shoulder and the mumbling of Jasmine's voice ended abruptly. My heart drops as I feel the presence of a figure standing behind me but it wasn't until I looked across the dark apartment that I noticed there was a single light shining in the kitchen illuminating a vase of flowers on the counter. My body warmed as I realised Noah was standing behind me, he hadn't said a word but my feet involuntarily took a couple of steps back into his firm body.

His hands skimmed my waist as he pulled me closer to him and I closed my eyes relishing in his touch. My head tilted back and rested on his shoulder and I noticed the new cologne he was wearing. His large hands lifted my shirt at the sides and he touched my skin, I jerked slightly at the touch of his cold fingertips which were exploring my stomach. One hand slipped away from my body and then returned seconds later to my exposed back, he pressed his hand into my skin roughly.

I could feel his slow and steady breathing on my neck and then within seconds I felt his lips connect with my skin. It was only then that I realised the thick, heavy facial hair that sat around his mouth. I lifted my head but his lips were still connected to my skin, his hands kept me close to his body tightly, I couldn't step out of his grip. I could feel the roughness of his hands on me, Noah never had rough hands. I then attuned to the coolness pressed into my back, the metal. I sprung away and turned to face him.

He looked older with grey strands littering his hair and beard. A pistol was held firmly into his right hand, it was pointed at me. My eyes connected with his as he retreated backwards to the door. He didn't take his gaze off of me for one moment as he twisted the key and locked us inside. I wanted to scream but I couldn't find my voice. I wanted to ask him what he was doing here, how he got inside the building but I couldn't. My legs were shaking and I wanted to run but I was frozen. One wrong move and I knew it'd be the end.

"I've missed you, baby," he said in a sick tone taking a long stride towards me. The gun still pointed in my direction. A look of satisfaction was plastered on his aged face, a look that screamed 'I've won'. The corners of his mouth twisted up in a devious smirk, "shall we get down to business? Let's start with your share of McKenzie Times."   


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