Chapter 29

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Before you start this chapter I thought I'd let you know that Living With My Boss has just reached 1 Million reads!!!!!! Thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented it means the world! <3


As I followed the wheeled stretched through the extensive white corridor my shoes clicked rapidly on the sterile ground until I was within reaching distance. Dominic's pale face emerged from the stretcher and his sunken eyes bore into mine as the paramedics rushed him down the hall. His eyes were filled with sorrow as I grew closer and closer. The next thing I knew two wooden doors snapped closed and I came face to face with a sign which read 'staff only'. My curiosity seemed to get the best of me as I stood on the wrong side from all of the action for a couple of minutes glancing inside any time a member of the hospital staff exited or entered the forbidden room. Realising there was little I could do to cure my curiosity I made my way back to my husband's room with questions still stirring in my mind.

Noah was being helped by a pretty nurse to sit up on the edge of the bed when I returned. She gave me a soft smile before she bent down with her backside in full view of the injured man. "I'll do that." I told her in regards to the fact that she was about to help Noah into his shoes. It was a little funny considering his shoulder was the injured part of his body not his legs. Regardless though, I helped Noah into his shoes as the nurse retreated backward out of the room.

"Someone's jealous," he shot me a devious smirk but I chose to ignore his remark. What's the use in denying it? In an attempt to catch my attention Noah tried to stand but as he did he gripped his shoulder in pain. I rushed over to help him stand.

"Let's get you home," I said as I picked up his overnight bag that laid sat on the chair next to the bed. Carrying the bag in one hand and supporting Noah with the other we walked out of the quiet hospital. We passed by Brooke's room on the way out and I smiled at the sight of her laughing and joking with James. The two of them together was such an unusual sight yet somehow it made sense. Brooke has been caught up in so much drama over the past couple of years that she deserves a little laughter and happiness in her life. She's just a girl looking for love.

On the way out of the hospital, we passed by Noah's parents who were on their way out as well. Noah didn't have to stay in the hospital long, in fact, it was barely even a few hours that passed since a bullet penetrated his shoulder. Since the McKenzies had donated a tonne of money to fund a new wing in the hospital Noah received the best care, thankfully. Only its a shame that it can't be the case for everyone. Medical care costs a fortune and if it wasn't for the disposable income Noah has then we'd still be sitting in the waiting room surrounded by hundreds of people waiting for a doctor to become available and patch him up. The bullet had barely penetrated his arm but it was deep enough for him to need stitches.

After helping Noah onto the couch once we arrived back at the apartment I collapsed next to his good side. Noah threw his arm around my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest while he flicked through the movies on the television. "You okay?" He nudged me slightly.


"What's on your mind?" He paused the tv and looked down at me.


He stroked my back gently, "I thought we agreed no secrets."

"We did..." I said, "but this isn't a big deal. Really." Noah kept quiet and turned his attention back to the paused television yet he didn't resume the show. His arm fell from around my shoulders to the back of the couch where his fingers tapped repeatedly on the leather. He was irritated.

A couple of moments passed before he broke the awkward silence between us, "will you just tell me what's going on?" He pushed himself away from me despite the evident pain on his face from his shoulder.

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