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Hello everyone! This is my first story, so its bound to be bad. But if you could give it a read, a quick comment, it would be very much appreciated!!! Please no hate though! I may or may not update this, so if you like it and want more please tell! Thank you!! :)

A young woman with long red-orange hair delicately braided back sat watching him. "Hello, Mr. Steward." He stared at her a while, confused at her identity.

"Ah, yes. You do not remember me, is it because I was so unimportant that you forgot my name, or was it simply because it has been a very long time." She paused, "In any case, my name is Ceyana. You are safe as long as you stay here, with us." She said with a smile.

 'Oh no. This can't be happening again, please, not again!'  

"We are not stuck here in the godforsaken place again are we? Again?" He asked, hoping the answer was different from what he knew.

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Steward." Came her answer in a flat tone. 

"I already lost one student here, I can't lose more." He sighed. He really couldn't, his heart and his job couldn't take it. 'Well, my job is definitely screwed now.'  He thought.

"Yes, that would be very bad indeed. Tell me, what did they say when you got back?" Ceyana said with a glint of dark curiosity in her eye.

"I told them an alligator got her, they never found the 'body'." He said, a look of pain in his eyes. He didn't like to lie, but the truth was to unbelievable. No one would ever believe him or his students if they told the truth. 

"And they let you go on teaching? Impressive." They sat in silence for a minute before Ceyana spoke, "Come, let us go on a walk."

She led him to the flap in the tent after giving him his jacket.

"I assume you know or know of Quinn Kinnear? What ever happened to her?" his questions came quickly. At that Ceyana smiled a sad smile, "I am Quinn, Mr. Steward, and after 2 years of hell in that slave camp you left me in, the Ahskatearins, now my people, broke me out, and here I am." She said, sarcastically raising her arms at the last part

Arthur Steward was in a state of shock, "Y-you. Your Q-quinn?"

Ceyana chuckled lightly, "Yes, I am. Not what you were expecting, I suppose?"

"I." He struggled with words, "I'm sorry." Steward could not say anymore, his guilt over whelmed him.

"Sorry for what? Leaving a 15 year old girl in an altered world? For letting her make a sacrifice she was never ready to make? But that is all in the past, now we must once again find you a way home." She said, in seemingly calm indifference. As she led him into the outside world, he looked at her. She was the reason for his grief over the year. God, it sounded like such a short time but in reality it wasn't. Many things had happened over that short period of time; his high school English class getting stuck in an alternative timeline, their escape, returning to their world, his almost firing, and life going on after that. To someone who hadn't been a part of that, it would sound stupid, crazy. And it was crazy, and why that event had happened he had never found out, and why it was happening again was something he would need to figure out this time, so it could never happen again. 

'Ceyana had mentioned she was kept for 2 years', he thought, 'What happened? And how long has it been for her?'

"Quinn, how long has it been for you?" 

"First, my name is Ceyana, that's my name now. Second, it has been 10 years." She said in disdain. 'She must really hate me.'  As they walked through the primitive in encampment Steward could see tents made from cloth everywhere, burned out camp fires, pots, pans, swords, shields, clothes set out to dry. Men, women, and children all around, talking, fixing various , practice fighting, and playing. 

"Where are we now?" He asked. "This is the 'barbarian' tribe of Ahskatearins." Ceyana said, "We fight for our freedom against the Truenhasui, you know, the Empire." 

"Okay, so how do we get home?" He asked, "Why do you think I know?" She answered, "I don't know what got us here in the first place! If I had to guess though, I would say you would need that crystal thing and that chanting witch lady. But that's just a guess." 

"Am I the only one here?" 'I better be!'  He thought. 

"No, more of your people are here. I'll take you to them."

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