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     Maki walked briskly along the sidewalks of Tokyo, Japan. It was around midnight and the moon shone brightly behind the clouds littering the sky. She checked the note one more time as she stopped beside an apartment complex, 1221 Dangan st. Apartment 43.

     She confirmed the address and pulled her black hood up, tugging on her gloves to make sure they were once securely and confirming that all her hair was pinned back. She neared the door and peered inside.

     A security guard sat inside reading a book. He looked to be in his late sixties and Maki could easily outrun him if it came to that point. Though she opted to find another way into the building. Pulling up her black surgical mask, she crept around the side of the building, finding a side door and slipping inside.

     She found herself in a laundry room, a few machines on while a man sat nearby. Ignoring his presence, Maki made her way towards the door, quietly opening it and creeping into the hallway. The room was on the second floor, so she walked up the stairs.

      As she neared the door to the hallway she tugged on the straps of the duffel bag she was carrying. Usually she was able to get by with just a concealed weapon but, due to the specifications of the client, she had to lug a heavy bag with her. It isn't like she minded, she had done it many times before.

     She reached the door and turned the knob, opening it just enough to poke her head through. She surveyed the area before walking down the hallway, pressing her back against the wall.

     As she neared her victim's apartment, she heard noises coming from inside.


     It's exactly how the client explained the situation. Maki realized as she went closer, An abusive husband she can't get away from. It isn't like she cared, she was just there to do her job and then leave. She waited at the door for the yelling to stop. Her eyes widened when she heard footsteps coming from inside.

     The door opened and Maki positioned herself, ready to pounce if anyone came through, but she only saw the client standing there. At first the woman looked shocked, then the corners of her mouth perked up.

     "Are you...?"

     All Maki did was nod and put her finger up to her mask, making sure the woman couldn't see her face. The woman looked about ready to cry of joy.

     That is when Maki saw the bruises all over her wrists and face. Oh, he is so dead- She stopped and shook the thoughts from her mind as the client walked away, Why do I care so much? I shouldn't.

     She slowly inched the door open, silently thanking the woman for not locking it. She slipped inside, hearing the television playing some sort of sports game. Dropping her duffel bag silently to the ground and pulled out some rope.

     Maki glanced around the bloody apartment, sighing heavily. She surveyed the apartment once more, guaranteeing no one else was there despite doing that already twice.

     The request had been rather specific and brutal, and the end wanted it to frame the murder on a coworker of his who loathed him.

     Reaching into the bag once more, she pulled out a baggy and tweezers. She took the hair that was supplied by the client and placed it around the body, as well as well as placing a knife with their fingerprints in the bin. Maki wasn't dumb, if it was just laying around in plain sight it would be obviously planted.

     Packing everything back into the duffel bag, she slowly slipped into the hall.


So. . . I hope you guys like this so far. It was rather short, but prologues aren't supposed to be that long anyway.

Pity the Hitman ~ KaimakiWhere stories live. Discover now